Chapter 5

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"W-well.... uh..." Silvia said nervously. Silvia started to tremble.

"So...?" Midnight said.

"W-we just wanted to make a new friend!" Luna said.

"Yeah!" Silvia said.

"Uhm, okay...?" Midnight said.

"So, what happened to your brother? You seemed a little upset when you brought it up," Luna said.

"I rather not talk about it..." Midnight said, trembling with tears coming down his face.

"That bad huh?" Silvia said while putting her arms around him for comfort.

"W-what are you doing?" Midnight asked, blushing.

"When I'm feeling sad of scared, Luna hugs me, and it really helps," Silvia said.

Luna started to tremble, as if she were angry.

"H-hey, I can give you a house tour," Midnight said nervously.

"Yes! Let's do that!" Luna said.

Midnight gets up and shows Luna and Silvia around the house.

"Wow, you have an amazing house!" Silvia said joyfully.

"Yeah..." Luna said.

They went room to room, and they stopped at Bolt's room. 

"Um, this is just a closet." Midnight said. He quickly ushered them to the next room. 

"So, this is my room, and yeah. That's my lame house." Midnight said.

"OMG, I love your room!" Silvia said as she jumped onto the bed. 

She rolls herself up into he bed sheets. "It's so warm~" She giggles.

Midnight slightly blushes."Ehe, yeah, Bolt got hem for me. He really is a sweetheart." Midnight says, thinking about the note inside his drawer, that easily could be spotted.

I forgot to close the drawer. Midnight thought. 

Before Midnight knew what was happening, Silvia was already at his desk, and was looking through his sketchbook.

"Awa, did you really draw this?!?!" Silvia asked, holding up a drawing Midnight made last night. 

"!!!! Um, yeah, but

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"!!!! Um, yeah, but.. that's um... me and my brother, so and, I, I, I..... I don't remember making that!" Midnight tore the page out of the notebook and just ate it.

Silvia continued to rummage through Midnight's desk, and found the note. She quickly read it.

Midnight was quietly choking on the paper, and so he could not stop her. All he could do was just curl up into a ball and cry. While still choking on the paper.

"Nani? Is this true, Midnight?" Silvia sadly said. 

"Mhphhmmcrrrkmmmhfhhfhhpmff." Midnight mumbled, before finally swallowing the stupid drawing. "Yeah... the only reason I'm actually being nice to you is because I just really need a friend right now... If it wasn't for this, I would have slammed the door... consider yourselves lucky." Midnight mumbled.

End of chapter 5

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