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Friday, June 13, 1986

"Run Daniel! Save your baby sister! Go, now!" daddy screamed, mother and him fighting off many, many people at once.

"But, daddy-" i started but he cut me off. 

"No butt's Daniel! GO NOW!" he ordered me and i felt the force of his words. I nodded and picked up my one year old baby sister. I started running after slinging my bow onto my back alongside my arrow quiver.

"Allana, hold on to bubby and do not let go whatsoever!" i whispered harshly to my sister, knowing she understands me perfectly. I felt her grip my shirt tightly as i sped through the woods. A immensely huge wolf jumped in front of me. I whipped out my dagger, as taught, and stabbed him in the top of his head, issuing a instant kill after freeing my daggers.

"Retreat! We've killed them! Find the kids and take them down too!" i heard a mysterious, deadly voice call out in a rage.

Allana started whimpering so i zipped my jacket up over her, making sure she kept quiet and warm. He quieted down almost instantly. I climbed my tree that has ZERO branches on it down the bark, only in the top. I got up there easily and whistled, calling my little friends.

They came as trained to do when they hear my call.

"Watch out for me, little buddies!" i whispered to them and they all chattered to reassure me. I then took my 'Vines' as they're called and swung from tree to tree. I heard a howl in the background and it made my body shiver, feeling as if something good is gonna come out of that peculiar howl.

"There he is! Get him!" i heard a male voice shout underneath me and my vine. 'Bull shit!' i thought as i climbed the vine to the top of the tree.

I heard snarling and then lots of ripping. I looked down and saw huge wolves. Seven wolves against two wolves, that wasn't fair! The two wolves that, i assume are on my side, snarled and lunged. The bigger one took down three with ease as the other one took down the rest of them.

I then screamed as they then looked up at me. They lay down on their backs, and i instantly knew they weren't going to hurt me. 

"Andy!" i called out to another tree as i heard it rustle, but there was no wind.

"Yes, Daniel?" a male voice called back as a figure appeared in the tree.

"Meet me at the house. I'm bringing some guests! Use the elevator, take it to the top floor." i called over to my friend. I saw him nod as i gripped the Vine, which is actually a thick string of rope. I started running around the tree while using the vine to help me out. I jumped from the tree, sending me spiralling towards the ground at a fast pace.

I cheered in happiness and landed easily.

"Come, friends. Just follow, as i can sense your curiosity." i spoke to the curious wolves. I heard their paws thumping as i ran, full speed, to a certain tree. I did a little beat and then heard a robotic voice say, "Password and hand print, please."

"ADeathStrikeWillAlwaysHit." i spoke without stopping as my hand was scanned by a scanner put in by yours truly. The door opened as the same voice said, "Password and Hand Print accepted and recognized. Welcome, to the Tree Fort, My Lords." We all walked in and i pulled out two harnesses.

"Come here, you'll need these." i told the wolves, holding up the harnesses. One stepped forward and i locked him in, attatching a hook to his body. "Up you go, then!" i said cheerfully as i pushed the button, sending him flying skyward.

"You next, Big Guy." i said as i walked towards the next wolf. I then harnessed him too and sent him skyward as well. I then gripped my Vine and, holding a sleeping Allana, flew to the landing. When i got there, i saw two men, snarling at my best friend.

This story was Last Updated on:‎ Tuesday, ‎October ‎07, ‎2014

at: 09:09:20 PM

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