Chapter 10

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Recap: Date: Tuesday, June 24, 2009

"I have extra clothes for you in my quarters. You will change and i will give you a choice. You can either stay and be on my side, become my Apprentices. Or you can go back to the rogue, criminal life and get your ass killed by me. Your choice." I spoke to them in a hard tone. They all looked at one another and replied instantly. "We'll stay and become your Apprentices, Agent Elton." they all spoke in sync. I smiled. "Good, because your training starts in a hour. Boys go shirtless with basketball shorts and obviously shoes. The girls go sports equipment. Meaning booty shorts and tanks if you like with the shoes i set out for you. Now go, we don't got time to waste, you mutts!" i barked out, using the Agent's tone. They all saluted and said, "Ma'am, yes Ma'am!" and ran off.....

Recap Over

Allana's P.O.V

I walked out onto the Agent Training Field, or ATF for short, with booty shorts, a sports bra, gloves with holes where the fingers and knuckles are supposed to be, and some light weight tennis shoes. When my mates saw me, they growled in lust but kept themselves in check, knowing what i can do.

"Alright, first part of Agent training is going to be tough! So you might as well stop your "sissy" act and turn out to be real Men and Women! Alright, you will watch me with the Head Agent first and then grab a partner and start!" I called out as Dalton walked over to me as required for my style of training. He handed me my "Stick" as i like to call it and we bowed. The stick is actually a Fencing Saber. We both got into out fighting positions. "En garde!" i called out and we started fencing. Thing is, these are actual Fencing Sabers that can deal tons of damage. The students will get ones that can't cause damage.

"Vous faites bien, mon ami." Dalton panted out to me as we fought. "Merci, agent chef. Je me suis entraîné dur et je ai appris à partir des meilleurs tireurs." I replied fluently, not panting one bit. "That you have, Mon ami. That you have." Dalton replied as i knocked him off balance and landed a good hit in his arms, legs, and put the Saber against his neck gently as i sat on top of his belly, my legs folded under me. The guys growled in possessiveness at the position we were in so i just smirked and said, " Je gagne, Dalton . Votre tour de me acheter le déjeuner ."


"You're doing good my friend." Dalton panted out to me as we fought. "Thank you, Head Agent. I have trained hard from the finest of fencers."  I replied fluently, not panting one bit. "That you have, my friend. That you have." Dalton replied as i knocked him off balance and landed a good hit in his arms, legs, and put the Saber against his neck gently as i sat on top of his belly, my legs folded under me. The guys growled in possessiveness at the position we were in so i just smirked and said, "I win, Dalton. Your turn to buy me lunch.")

I then got up and pulled him to his feet. The whole training student body just stared at us, mouths wide open like a dying person gasping for air. "Oh, ça alors.... Let's just stop training for today... Everyone dismissed!" I called out and they came out of their frozen postures and left, going their separate ways.

"I had no idea you could speak fluent French!" my multiple mates all spoke at once. I just laughed at them and they looked at me like i was crazy.

"Well, I took many foreign language classes. So i know how to speak French, Romanian, many types of Indian, English obviously, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Korean, Ukranian, Russian,  German, and many others that i don't really want to name." I replied. They just stared at me in awe and i turned to Dalton. 

"Well, are you going to take me to lunch or what?" I spoke to him, using a taunting tone. He mumbled out, "Fine, bitch. Whatever." But little did he know my hearing was ten times advanced since i let my inner Alpha Wolf out. I grabbed his arm and turned him to face me as he went to walk off. I pulled my fist back and landed a harsh punch to his face as i heard a satisfying, sickening crunch as i broke his nose.

His Hybrid (Book 1 of the Hybrid Triology)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon