Chapter 1

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      Monday, June 16, 2009

I'm at school, finishing another eight hours, yet again. Allana is doing excellent. She is a straight A student, she never gets in trouble, and she is leader of five different clubs and teams! I'm so proud of her, being her older, sixteen year old brother. Allana, however, is being abused by our parents. She doesn't know why, and it angers her that they do it for no reason whatsoever.

But i know why they abuse her. They abuse her because when they adopted us, they wanted two boys. Instead, they got a boy and a girl. And therefore, that's why she stays under my wing 24/7. I was with my friends, Andrew and Cole, when Allana came running to me, crying.

"Allana, what is it? Did someone hurt you?" i asked, going into my usual protective mode. She nodded and burst into sobs, clutching her sides in pain. I pulled her into a hug, squatting down to give her more access into the hug.

"Who hurt you, Allana? I swear, if it was any of them girls, Cole, Andrew, and I will personally go see them." i said in determination and anger, pulling away from Allana. She just shook her head and took a few deep breaths.

"It was the twin brothers, Jack and Jace, Annie, Renissa, Melonay, and Ethan!" she whispered and then broke into sobs once more. I put her on my shoulder with ease and went to find those little butt faces. Cole and Andrew following in my wake as the students parted. They all knew that if they dared to hurt my sister in any way, they'd be in the hospital for a month.

I made sure to instill that in their damn minds. I found the group of six in the hallway, torturing another kid once more.

"You Jack, Jace, Annie, Renissa, Melonay, and Ethan?" i asked them. They nodded, smug looks on their faces. But they were instantly wiped of when they saw Allana on my shoulder, holding onto my hand tightly. I glared at them and passed Allana to Cole. Seeing as he's the only other person she will let hold her, he took her willingly.

"You will pay for what you done to my little sister." i said in a deadly calm way to them. Cole grabbed two, with Allana on his back. Andrew got two, and I got two. We dragged them out to the football field, where there was Football Practice going on currently.

"Hey, Johnny! Caleb! Luke!" i called over to the three captains. They saw me and waved, but stopped when they saw the six kids in our grip, trying constantly to pull away.

"What is it, Daniel? Why do you, Cole, and Andrew have two kids each?" Luke asked us.

"Well, these little guys hurt my little sister, Allana. My sister, that you all adore." i spoke, full of rage still. They called over the whole Football team, even the Coaches. They all mumbled in anger as what i just said was whispered into their ears.

"They hurt Allana? But, why would anyone do that? She's the sweetest, kindest, prettiest, utmost adorable girl there is in the world!" Caleb spoke. Johnny didn't dare say anything, for i knew he was fuming as much as i was. Johnny considered Allana as a sister, vica versa for

Allana as well.

"Yes, everyone! These six kids in mine, Cole, and Andrew's grip have, in fact, hurt Allana!" i called out to everyone, sending the whole team into a frenzy. Then, we threw the kids to the team and the all lunged. Knowing the animals they can be, Allana started laughing like crazy as a football player started tickling her from behind. I turned and lunged at him. I pulled his helmet off and saw Johnny.

"Do NOT touch my sister!" I yelled in his face. Taking her from Cole as the bell rang, signaling the end of school. I ran inside with her on my back and grabbed our stuff. I then ran out to the bus and climbed on, us being the first two people on it. We sat at the back, Cole and Andrew soon joining us.

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