Chapter 2

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Tuesday, June 17, 2009

Recap: Date: Monday, June 16, 2009

I heard a roar outside and a smile instantly lifted my face and alarmed the other's. I ran outside with the others to see my one and only dragon.

I looked at him and breathed out, "Chryschanthium....." 

            Recap Over

I stared at my beautiful dragon, whom is now staring at me with love and relief in his eyes.

"My dear Chryschanthium.... My baby, my pet, my mount, the one whom is part of me. You have found me once more." i whispered as the great beast lowered it's head. I reached out and stroked his scales, making him breath out warm smoke and a tiny bit of fire.

"Allana, back away from that beast this instant!" Daniel called out to me, his voice full of horror, shock, and worry.

"Do not worry, my brother. For he will not harm the one whom he has marked, he will not harm the one whom raised him when he was nothing but a egg. He will not harm the one whom hatched him, taking him from a mere egg-ling to a drakling, then from a drakling to what he is now. And the one who did all that was me." i spoke loud enough for him to hear, all the while staring deeply into my dragon's eyes.

He lay down, wings outstretched. He wanted to fly and i knew this well. I sighed and turned to my now fuming brother and his alerted friends. I turned to stare at Cole, locking eyes with him first. I stared deeply into his soul without him knowing it. He was in love with me, but didn't dare tell Daniel, afraid that it might break their trust, friendship, and everything us three have had.

I then stared deeply into Andrew's soul. He was angry with his Alpha, the wolf that Daniel rode, for some reason. Why, though, i do not know. He has locked that part into a secret compartment in his brain. Other than that, he has a gorgeous mate and considered me as a little sister he never had. Though he's only got one brother who lives in another pack in Africa.

Daniel's mind, however, was stuck on me being hurt. I walked up to Daniel and put my hand on his forehead. I closed my eyes and sent a calming potion that is, as always, in my veins filled with magic as well. I felt his tense position slack until he was calm enough so i could tell them the truth about me and him.

I walked away and turned to my dearest Chryschanthium. I sent him a message through my mind. 'Do you mind if i sit against your neck, Chrys? I really do need to sit in order to think through what i'm about to tell my brother and his werewolf friends.' i linked him.

'No problem, M'Lady. After all, all dragons must obey his or her rider at all times.' he replied, folding his winds and laying to where is neck was curved around my whole body in a circle. I sat in the circle, staring at my brother and the werewolves.

"I know, i have a lot to explain. So i suggest you sit on the ground." i said to the three, awestruck yet fuming boys. I sighed and then started on my story, going back into my memories as i told it.

"Daniel and i were born among very powerful, dangerous, and all the same, deadly family. Our mother and father were killed in battle. I was thirteen, Daniel nineteen. Our guard was part warlock and werewolf, and also had a dragon like me and Daniel. He pulled us onto his dragon and used a aging spell, making him seven and me one. He dropped up as a house filled of werewolves, knowing that the Luna of the pack was unable to conceive whatsoever.

So, that's how you ended up running for your life with me, Daniel, and how you found Colton and Andrew here.  And Daniel, i've always knew why our ex-parents abused me. They wanted two sons. So now they have no memory of any of us, seeing as when you hit them with the beer bottles,  they had no idea that when it broke on them it was enchanted to erase their memories of us.

I was only waiting for the time of when you grabbed it and threw it. And besides, all beer bottles were enchanted with the same spell. Anyways, where was i? Oh yeah, i remember now. When you found Colton and Andrew, they took you and me instantly to the pack. There, we were sent to our ex-parents house. There, they abused me ever since. They cut me, kicked me, dropped me, whipped me, almost everything in the torture books.

When you snapped, that was my chance, Daniel. I sent for Chryschanthium and Polaris, your dragon and my own. And then, we ended up here. And that brings you all up to date. And you WILL NOT tell anyone, you hear!" i said, ending the story with them all nodding frantically.

"Good! Now, we must go find Polaris! Chryschanthium, will you allow my brother Daniel, a dragon rider himself, to ride upon you until we are able to locate Polaris?" i asked, turning to my dragon as he straightened himself out and stretching his wing closest to me out for me to climb upon. 'The pleasure will be mine, My Mistress.' Chryschanthium replied. I motioned for Daniel to come and climb upon my dragon.

He came up and climbed on easily. He settled behind me, enclosing his arms around my waist as Chryschanthium took off. I laughed as Daniel's arms tightened around me. I pulled off his arms and made him look down at himself. He tried to move and realized he was glued to my baby's neck. I stood up and stretched my arms out.

It's been forever since i have flown. Daniel tried to pull me down to sit but it failed majorly! I am stronger than him, tenfold, and i'm his little sister! I then heard three sets of roars from behind Chryschanthium, Daniel, and I. I quickly turned to see Polaris, fuming at my dragon, being chased by the Malvagi draghi ei loro cavalieri. Translated, it means Evil Dragons and their Riders.

"Chryschanthium! Defensive formation! I've got to get Daniel to Polaris! Keep us steady!" i ordered harshly to Chrys. He roared, showing me he understands, while i lifted Daniel onto my back. I bolted down Chrys's body and leaped, landing easily on Polaris.

"Polaris, you now have your rider, Daniel. Follow me and Chryschanthium in our defensive formation. Do not, and i mean DO NOT take any orders from Daniel, seeing as he has much to learn yet!" i snarled in the dragons ear, forcing him to take my order seriously. Seeing as he is my brother's dragon, i have every right to do as so.

Polaris roared in acceptance of the order and i bolted to the back of Polaris, to the very edge of his tail. I sent out twelve curses, hitting the Draghi Malvagi (Evil Dragons) directly in their eyes. All dragon's weak spots to spells are their eyes. Their skin is so thick and tough that all spells rebound from it.

It may sound very silly, but if you hit a dragon in it's eyes, it will first go into paralization, and then will die five seconds later. After it's death, it will instantly turn into dust if midair or on ground. Anyways, where was i? Oh, right. After the spells hit them, they went down for a ten minutes while i bolted, leaping to get on my Baby.

I ripped my clothes off my body, for i always wear my armor underneath whenever riding my Chryschanthium. Daniel just stared at me in disbelief and awe. I grabbed my duffel and pulled out a dual sword that is extremely light and easy to handle, seeing as it was made from my own dragon's scales. For Dragon Scales are extremely magical and strong, the sword will do anything and everything at my bidding.

"Chrys, Polaris! Turn back to earth! Now! I'm going to fight the riders on their own mounts!" i called, seeing the Malvagi Draghi ei loro cavalieri directly behind Chrys and Polaris. They roared in protest but i wouldn't have any of it. I ran and leaped, landing swiftly on the first Evil Dragon. I pulled my helmet over my head quickly and landed the first blow.

I easily grabbed the guys head, decapitating and burning him and the dragon with a special chemical that will burn anything and everything if nothing is protected with a specific spell. And that spell will be forever active over my body. I leaped and landed on the next dragon. I lifted my swords at the dragons head and plunged them deep into the dragons eyes, giving it an instant kill.

Seconds later, the dragon and it's rider wasn't even there and i was in a free fall.

This story was Last Updated on:‎ Saturday, ‎October ‎11, ‎2014

at: 08:44:32 AM

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