Chapter 9

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Recap: Date: Tuesday, June 24, 2009

"Permission was granted, Alpha Elton. Proceed with the mission. Mission Control for the Head Agent over and out." came the response so then, i got up behind them, put the lock on them and fired one of my specially made bomb like torpedo. I then diverted quickly and sped immediately at the quickest speed towards Sacramento as the Aerial Fighter was then burnt to bits. I then put this baby back into auto-pilot and turned it back into the private jet.

"Well, since that's over and done with, i need something to eat and a good nap. Jalex, wake me up when it's time to land, and don't even think about responding!" i spoke, running to the kitchen. I then proceeded to wolf down my food and then leaped into one of the beds, falling asleep almost instantly when i stopped bouncing.......

Recap Over

Allana's P.O.V

I felt someone shaking me roughly. I opened my eyes to see Jalex shaking me harshly and having a tray of food. I shot up and grabbed the food and started wolfing it all down as she informed me of the recent time passage. When she told me that we're a minute and a half away from landing, i bolted around and got dressed, changing into a ankle length dress and then getting everyone else ready as we started dropping altitude.

"Jalex, convert this puppy slowly into a car as we hit ground then you're dismissed." i called in the Cockpit. Everyone was seated in their spot so when we landed i converted entire to the car form. When we got to that form, i started speeding along the road in Sacramento, heading to the park as everything was suddenly in place for a picnic near the hideout, where every family was kidnapped. We all then hopped out and i set the picnic up slowly as i gave the siblings a look that said "Go play, it's gotta be a perfect act" and then called out to Cole.

"Cole, can you help me set the picnic up honey?" i asked in a sickeningly sweet voice. I wonder how i deal with all of this stuff too. "Sure thing, baby." he replied and came to help me. Once everything was set up, i heard the siblings fighting, all part of the plan. I walked over to the two siblings and fought them to separate them and once i separated them i grounded them and forced them over to the picnic.

"Now sit down and let's say the blessing. Then we can eat." Cole spoke. We all nodded and then said the blessing and started eating. That's when the leeches decided to come out and play. One of them walked up to us and said, "Hi, have you seen my brother? He's gone missing...." I looked up to him and started to say no when we were all suddenly gagged, tied up, and dragged away as i flung a shield over us.

We all started struggling against them, all using very little strength. When we got to their hide out, that's when i was waiting for the time to unleash all hell. First, me and Ellin were tied to the same bed, the boys tied to fake silver chairs. When the leader came in with a pair of baggy pants and no shirt on, i felt disgusted with him as Cole snarled mentally in my mind, not wanting to reveal our cover. Ellin and I put on convincing fake scared faces.

"Now, hold still mama and her little brat. I'm gonna go ahead and tell you everything. I am a vampire. I kill people, mostly families. I rape the women and girls in front of the father and brother and then drain their blood entirely. Now that that's over with, let's get started shall we?" the little fucker said with a smirk on his face. He then dropped his pants and showed all his glory. When they de-gag all of us, that's when the time was right. I smirked at him and he looked at me in confusion.

"Say goodnight, Mr. Stelaris, for today is your last day....." i spoke in my coldest voice, drawing all the warmth from the air and placing it with tension and confusion. I then broke the restraints and ripped the dress off, revealing my assassin armor. I then whipped out my specially made Sais and started murdering every single vampire and only damaging the leader slightly. When i was done with the others, i turned to him. I slowly stalked him, making him get scared as i pulled out my favorite vampire slaying weapon: The Copper Pistol. I aimed it at his head and smiled sweetly, saying, "Goodnight, Alexander Stelaris." I then unloaded all the bullets into his head.

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