Chapter 7

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Recap: Date: Monday, June 23, 2009

"You can't just do that, Laruso! You'll just send her back and make her go into Amnesia!" i hissed out harshly in his face, my fangs coming out and my eyes turning into slits as my ears make an appearance and so does my tail. I slowly feel my cat taking over as black fur starts sprouting from all over my arms and face and neck.

"No, Annie! John, tackle football!" i heard Luna Flix shout distinctly as i started fighting Johnna, my Cat side, for control. *How dare he try to do that!* Johnna roared out. I was continuously fighting her back as i felt the heavy weight of my Alpha against me as his Lion commands my Panther to back down and thankfully she obeys. Once Alpha J-D gets off, i sit up, rubbing my head.

"Thank you, Alpha. I just don't know what came over Johnna! She's been getting more overprotective than ever before since school started. It's really worrying me." i whispered out, curling myself into a ball.

"It's gonna be alright, Annie. Just focus on your training and school work and the most important stuff and i promise you, things will go back to normal." Luna Flix whispered, coming to sit beside me as she pulled me into a hug. And that's when i broke down and started crying my eyes out. Alpha J-D came and sat on the other side, pulling me and Flix closer as i cried ever harder......

Recap Over


I woke up, groaning when i heard someone yelling and then growling out a sentence that sounded allot like "You can't just do that, Laruso! You'll just send her back and make her go into Amnesia!" I just shrugged and sat up, rubbing my head when i hear a cat roaring from somewhere. I stood up and saw Annie straddling my mate, her cat trying to break free.

"No, Annie! John, tackle football!" i heard Luna Flix shout as i watched as Annie started fighting her cat side for control. *How dare he try to do that!* i heard it roar out. I watched as she continuously fought her back as i saw the heavy Alpha tackle and land against her as his cat commands the cat to back down and i feel her cat back down. Once the Alpha gets off, she sat up, rubbing her head.

"Thank you, Alpha. I just don't know what came over Johnna! She's been getting more overprotective than ever before since school started. It's really worrying me." she whispered out, curling herself into a ball.

"It's gonna be alright, Annie. Just focus on your training and school work and the most important stuff and i promise you, things will go back to normal." what i figured was Annie's Luna whispered, coming to sit beside her as she pulled Annie into a hug. And that's when i saw her break down and started crying her eyes out. The Alpha came and sat on the other side, pulling his mate and Annie closer as she cried ever harder.

"Annie, i'm alright now. There's nothing to be afraid, and Cole was only trying to get to me, not tackle me or anything...." i spoke softly, walking over to the crying Werecat. They all looked up at me as i reached out and put my hand against Annie's cheek the same way a loving mother does to her child when he's hurt.

"It's good to see you're awake, Warrior, but could you leave us be for a while?" the Alpha asked me. I snapped my head towards him and tackled him right were he was in a instant. I straddled the Alpha, pinning him to the ground by his neck and hands.

"How DARE you speak that way to me! You better be glad i feel grateful to you for saving my life, but you will never speak to your leader like that ever again. Do you hear me!?" i snarled out in his face and he whimpered. I leaped to my feet, bringing him with me. I then heard the bell ring, a warning for us to get to our last class I grabbed my books, throwing my plastic tray into the garbage along with the food. I then grabbed Cole's hand and we and my other mates ran to gym class.

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