Chapter 8

23 2 1

Side Pic of the Interior of the Private Jet that the car turns into!!!!!! (P.s. Jalex is pronounced as if it's Jaylon and Alex combined, which it is [Pronounced JAY LIX])

Recap: Date: Monday, June 23, 2009

As soon as i got off, i went into a serious posture, stalking inside as i went to my Head Agent's chambers to get filled in on the mission. When i walked into the long, empty meeting room, the TV switched on. I stayed standing, not wanting to sit as the filed were rolled in by the Head Alpha. No other Agent knew what the HA looked like, but I did. For he personally trained me and was my ex-lover. I looked at him with a calm look on my face as i greeted him.

"Hello, Head Agent Dalton.... Good to see you again, and finally a new mission. Please, enlighten me and give me the details of the mission before i hunt you down and force the info out of you...." i speak in a soft but deadly tone, a devious smirk falling into place as i looked at the HA, Dalton James Usario.......

Recap Over

I left the room, a smirk on my face as i then headed out and up to the Alpha's office to see who all would be going with me. When i walked in, i saw Alpha James, Luna Eryn, Colton, and two human hunter's who were on our side and knew about us. Those hunters happened to be the two people i least expected: Ellin Whinfield and Jason Whinfield. I patted them down and pulled at least 50 different weapons off them.

"Good, you're prepared for the trip. You two are gonna be playing Cole and my kids. We're going undercover, you'll be the teens and we're the adults. Dress code is fall casual. Meaning girls will be wearing tight skinny jeans, long sleeve, tank top, a small jacket or hoodie, and some type of boots, no combat boots. Boys, y'all will have somewhat baggy jeans, long sleeve or short sleeve t-shirts and boots or tennis shoes. Get this clear in your head: No combat boots and not too much black! But do bring dress clothes, for i'm gonna have to use some manifestation in order for us to go from a normal family to awesome, sexy, bad-ass killers. And guys, hide the weapons with my specially mixed scent hiding spray. Wolfsbane and Silver, when put together, has a peculiar scent that only vampires can detect. Well, i have figured out how to fix it, now get going. We're leaving in the morning, 5:30 AM sharp to be exact." i explained to them, making sure they got the point.

"Yes ma'am!" they all replied and ran off. I ran off with Cole to the bedroom, for i had already packed our stuff. I grabbed our bags and threw them in my tricked out black Mustang. I opened the car door and pushed a few buttons to set the timer of the trunk closing, seeing the Whinfield siblings putting their stuff in trunk. When i got out, i closed the door and locked it. After that, we all went to bed in a house close to the Pack House, seeing as we had to actually act like a real family in order for us to fool the Vampires......

Tuesday, June 24, 2009

Allana's P.O.V

 We all woke up, got ready quickly and then got in the car. I looked in the rear view mirror at the two siblings as i sped on the road. "Now listen, i have to hide my scent especially and so do the rest of us. In order to do that, I have to kiss Cole and Jason. Then Cole will have to kiss you, Ellin, and then turn around and kiss me again. That's how i hide many scents at once. A chain link kiss, and each kiss has to last at least two or three minutes." i explained in a soft voice as I turned back onto another road and onto the almost empty interstate. When i saw them all nod after stiffening up, i sighed and looked back to the road.

I sped straight down for a few hours, the siblings having their headphones in and listening to their music or on their phone or the laptop i brought with me for them to use. I also brought my personal laptop and had Cole get on it to look some stuff up. When the laptop came on, i put the shield over the car and then the car itself into auto-pilot. I took the laptop and put in my pass and pulled the Agency's website up that only us Agents know about. Thankfully, this laptop of mine is programmed to hide the Agency's name and it's actual URL. I then gave Cole the laptop and put everything back to normal.

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