Part 12

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I aged them 2 years because nothing really happens in those two year, just imagine the two years being similar to the last couple chapters~


Two year later (in June)

3rd Person POV

The sunset turns the skies a wondrous hue of pink and orange, splashes of yellow and blue. The breeze from atop the roof of the school feels amazing, direct air cooling the once hot day. Cicadas begin to make their music and-


Chan looks behind him with a startled expression.

"Well, this is my time to-" He jumps off the side of the building and lands safely onto the second roof below. Above him is an angry delinquent looking student.

"-UCK YOU! YOU SLY RAT! JUST WAIT UNTIL I GET MY HANDS ON-" The angered student's words were cut off by the roof door being slammed open. Chan quickly hides, hugging the wall.

"Mr. Hong! The roof is strictly off limits! What gives you the courage to yell at the top of your lungs up here!?" One of the teachers scolds. Soon enough, the student is dragged off the roof by his ear. 

Chan lets out a relieved sigh and exits the roof after a few minutes.

Woojin is probably so angry... his thoughts are filled of the horrible things his close friend would do if he learned the reason as to why Chan was late for dinner.

Ever since the dispute with his aunt, Chan used his money to pay for an apartment loft close to the school, but could no longer pay for living expenses. The Hwang's, being as kind as they were,  insisted on Chan dining with them for breakfast and dinner. Also the occasional lunch box was provided.

He accepted gratefully and Woojin made sure he was never late because their kindness was given, not granted.

Now here we are, Chan running late and a slightly furious Woojin tapping his foot at the front door.

"IM HERE!" The door swings open revealing Chan covered is a sheen of sweat from the more than humid weather.

"Took you long enough." His head turns to Woojin crossing his arms giving him the 'did you really just come here 30 minutes late?' Stare.

"Ah, I fell... asleep?" Precipitation forms on his brow.

"So did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Fall asleep, because you're acting like you don't even know yourself." Woojin makes his way to the kitchen, Chan following behind like a duckling behind its mother. "I swear to god, if you got into another fight with a student, I'll go over there and tell them off myself."

"It's not some bickering, Woojin! They can hurt you!" They enter in on the eleven and ten year old boys eating their supper.

"Well you two are bickering like a married couple." Seungmin intervienes onto their argument. "Can you both sit down and eat? Mrs. Hwang had to walk out for a second so I have to do the dishes. I'd rather you not add onto the mountain of towering dishes while I'm cleaning!"

"Wow, look at adult Seungmin being all mature~" Woojin ruffles his younger brother's hair, cooing at his cute pout.

"I'm almost eleven!" He whines, "then I'll be Jinnie's age, finally!"

"Just three more months kid." Chan pulls out a chair and the group begins to eat. Silence is replaced with the clacking of chopsticks and the chewing of food.

"You've been really quiet Hyunjin." Woojin chews the rest of his food before swallowing and speaking.

"Yea... Minnie left me alone at recess today for a bully..." Hyunjin pokes at his food, occasionally taking a few bites of pork.

"He's nice! It was just a bad first impression, it was two years ago~ He has nothing against me." Seungmin places his head on his sulking friend's shoulder, snuggling it into the crook of his neck. 

"You don't know that for sure... That stupid squirrel could be playing you..." He makes a 'hmph' sound before turning his head away.

"Don't talk about Jisung like that! He's changed!" He whips his head off of his friend's shoulder. Seungmin rises from his seat and places his plate in the sink before storming upstairs into his room.

Hyunjin just mumbles something to himself before stuffing a spoonful of buddaechiggae into his mouth.

"So... are you going to go after him?" Chan signals to the stairs, giving Hyunjin a suggestive stare. The boy avoids eye contact before giving in.

"Fine!" He too storms his way out of the dining area and up the stairs where a door slamming can be heard.

"The other couple got into their first quarrel, how cute" Woojin rests his chin in the palm of his hand.

"Who's the couple before the 'other couple'?" Chan wiggles his eyebrows,  earning a whack on the arm.

"Shut up and eat your stew."

..Meanwhile, upstairs..

Seungmin was laying on his stomach, swinging his legs in the air while snuggling with a stuffed toy Hyunjin gave him.

"Stupid Jinnie, he's just a friend. I've always told you you'd be my number one..." the door then slams open, revealing a fuming Hyunjin who moves to sit at the end of the bed. "What do you want Jinni-... Hyunjin..." Seungmin sniffles, digging his face into the plushie.

"Are you crying?" Hyunjin taps the younger on the shoulder, changing his voice and expression from angered to worried.

"No you..."

Hyunjin releases a long sigh before continuing his apology. "I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't have said that about squirrel boy... happy? Please don't cry Minnie, I always hate to see you cry..." He hugs his best friend's shoulders, pulling him up to his level.

"Ap-apology accepted... but you didn't have to be so mean to him..." The smaller of the two turns his head to his friend, red cheeks and a runny nose present on his face.

"Too late~ But I guess I won't do it in the future." The older embraces Seungmin, enveloping himself in his warmth. "Just promise me one thing."

Seungmin hums in response.

"Promise me that I'll be your number one friend, always and forever.."

"Of course, as long as I'll be yours~ you've always had that spot saved in my heart anyways."

The two lock their pinkies together before smiles plaster on both of their faces.

"Break that promise and I'll break your pinky~"

"What the heck—"

Promises will always break in the end whether you like it or not...


Too soft, we need a bit of angst up in here. I do have plans for Woochan tho. Sorry, but a lot of Woochan will be pretty angsty since they're older, but I do hope for a nice ending.

I THink i AGed ThEM tOo mUcH bUt WHo cArES.

This story meant to be a Woochan-centric then shift to Seungjin, but we can have both, right? Tell me if we need more Woochan or Seungjin because I want a good balance, I am a bit biased since Seungmin IS, well, my bias.

I hope you enjoyed this filler chapter, have a wonderful night, morning, or afternoon~


Seungmin/Jisung(I added Jisung to the story sooo :)))): 10

Hyunjin: 11

Chan: 16

Woojin: 17

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