Part 18

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I think I'm back?? My writing won't be so great tho, I've been stressed.


Seungmin POV

A warm breeze brushes upon my face as I inhale the intoxicating scent of the evening. I slip my head back inside, closing the screen-less window. We had managed to make it to the weekend and I need some time to myself.

The short lived memory of the incident with my father buried my mind in constant jumbling thoughts. It's been two weeks of mental isolation and I'm worried it's affecting my life. I need to get out of the restricted space, the almost claustrophobic space.

I reach for the door handle, turning the knob counter-clockwise, sliding myself out of the gap I hastily created. 

As I stealthily step forward, my body collides with another mass. Woojinnie Hyung.

"Ack— oh sorry Hyung, didn't see you there.." I put on a tired smile as I bring my hand over my mouth to cover my yawn.

"Oh, it's fine. What are you doing out of your room on a weekend? You usually lock yourself in there the whole day." A small grin appears on his face as he teasingly nudges me with his elbow.

"That's why I left Hyung~" I place my forehead on his chest, slightly pushing him back as a whine escapes my lips.

"I actually was about to go in, wanted to talk to you about something." He grabs my shoulders, pushing my mass back. His eyes shift left to right, thumbs tapping. "And plus, we haven't had a sibling talk in a long time, have we?"

My eyelids flutter, my lips forming into a straight line. What does he want to talk about? Does he know about father? I question, heart beat quickening.

I attempt to act collected, forming an atmosphere around myself.

"I guess?" I shrug his grip off of my shoulders as I head toward the staircase. He stands frozen in place, a confused expression painting his over. "Thought you wanted to talk, why not in the park?~" 

A moment of silence lasted for a scary amount of time before Woojin nods his head vertically. I give him a half-smile as a drop of sweat runs down my forehead.

We reach the park, the laughter of children playing in the background. Hyung and I walk over towards the swings. I step one foot onto the seat followed by the other, standing on the swing. Woojin simply sits on it, kicking his feet back and forth.

"S-so, what was it you wanted to talk about?" I avoid eye contact as the swing slightly rocks.

"It's about somebody..." Woojin places his hand over his mouth.

He knows.... I think to myself as I fiddle with the chains attaching the swing. I bet I'm in trouble... my eyebrows furrow as I drop my head, staring at my feet.

"W-who?" I play dumb.

"Well..." I hold my breath as he speaks, "I think I'm in love..."

I squeeze my eyes, my hands shaking as my legs get weak. Then I stop. What did he just say?

"H-HYUNG! YOU LOVE CHANNIE DON'T YOU?!!" A large smile replaces the morbid look on my face. I bounce upon my feet, almost falling, then stabilizing myself once more.

Woojin shushes me, launching himself off the swing to cover my mouth. "Don't tell!" Heat rushes to his ears, visibly showing his embarrassment.

"But you have to tell him!" I squeal, jumping onto the ground as I shake my older brother's shoulders.

"Because I'm positive he feels the same way."


I'm sad.

I'm still in recovery and am finding a tiny bit of motivation. I almost died haha. Woojinnie is gone and I had a plan in this story to opt him out, not because I dislike him, but because he makes me sad. I love you Woojin, please be happy!

Only 500 words but it's close enough!

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