Part 14

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Lot of Woojin x Chan interaction in this chapter because I want to begin to get to my planned (first) climax (yes, there are two climaxes)



Woojin POV

I wake up with the sun peeking through my blinds. I slowly sit up, my head suddenly pounding.

"Argh.. what's wrong with me?" I massage my temples as my eyes settle onto Chan who insisted on sleeping over the night before. Today is a Sunday and I'll have to contact my mother...

I managed to procrastinate on Friday since Seungmin caught the summer flu, but I don't think I can stand missing school any longer.

I swing my legs over the side of my bed, stretching my arms. I feel rustling next to me and all I see is Chan and his messy bed head.

"G'morning Woojin." His voice was husky, who knew Chan acted like this before his morning coffee, oh wait, I did.

"So, are you ready to talk to her?" He gains some energy in his tone as he sits up and back hugs me. I can feel my cheek flush and my heart thumping.

"M-morning Chan. Yeah, I should be fine, I've mentally prepared myself..." I reassure him with a smile which earns a pat on the back and a recharged Chan.

"Well!" He releases his grip and I make an inaudible whine. "We should get ready for the day. How about we bring Mrs. Hwang and the boys to a café to relax everyone." His legs stretch and touch the wood floors before he begins to walk to my wardrobe.

"Sounds like a plan, but where?" I join him, placing my chin on his shoulder.

"Aaah~ just a place I work." My chin retracts and he refuses to make eye contact. I can only sigh and open up the dresser next to the wardrobe.

"Another job? Oh well... hey, will these jeans fit you?" I hold up a pair of ripped dark-blue jeans. He has a blank expression that paints his face.

"You're not mad?" Confusion replaces his previous peppy tone. He takes the jeans out of my hold and mumbles a small 'thank you'

"I have too much going on to be mad, I'll just scold you later." I continue to rummage through my clothes, pulling out a black graphic tee, some pants for me, and a white box shirt. I can feel his shocked gaze from where I'm standing.

"You're the best, you know that?" Chan embraces me once more before heading to the restroom to change.

"Yea, sure..." my voice is in a quiet whisper as he exits the room.

He returns a few minutes after I had finished dressing.

"I asked Mrs. Hwang if she could join us, but she politely declined. You want to bring the two boys?" I nod as he leans up against the door frame as he watches me slide my wallet into my back pocket.

"Hey!" I yell as he takes my wallet out and chucks it on the counter.

"I'm paying today, no if's, and's, or but's!" He tightly grabs my wrist and brings me downstairs. I listlessly plop myself onto the couch before watching Chan rush back up the stairs.

"I'm getting the boys, just sit there and look... pretty!" Ignoring him calling my 'pretty,' I concern over the sudden responsibility he has taken over.

He returns with the two boys who look extra dandy today, and tired might I add.

"Hyungggg~ where are we going so early?" Hyunjin whines, shaking my leg back and fourth non-stop before Seungmin holds him back.

"Just to Chan's café. Don't you want a pastry?" I bend down, ruffling the boy's hair who saddens at his now messed up look. He just nods and we're on our way.

Third person POV

Walking back from the café (because I'm too tired to write filler junk)

"So, when do you plan on calling your mom?" Chan whispers into Woojin's ear, making sure the boys can't hear our conversation.

"I'll do it when we get back..." He replies, low tone.

When they reached home, Woojin couldn't stop shaking. His hands look as if they were drenched in ice water, his shoulders perked and tense, he was a mess.

Chan realized how hard it is for Woojin to contact the woman that left them oh so long ago. The pain they went through in those nine years seem as if they erased, but they were just settling at the back of their mind, very much present.


"WAIT!" He huffed, his breathing uneven. "...just... wait one moment..."

Chan looks at his close friend with pure concern. Woojin was always the composed one while Chan went off and did whatever, but with slight responsibility. It was odd.

In the three years Chan knew Woojin, there was never a moment Woojin stopped being... well, Woojin. He kept a stern face, the often smiles and reassuring voice. Even with his father, he never let it get to his facade.

"Woojin, we don't have to call her at this moment." Chan rubs the back of his friend's neck, letting gentle words roll out of his mouth.

"I don't know when I'll do it then... I-I should just get it over with... quick and easy.." Woojin plasters a smile over his pain. I don't want the kids seeing this... But with Chan, I don't mind if he sees me in this state.. Woojin thinks to himself, hoping for his younger brother to never see the witch that left them.

A couple minutes of scrolling through some notes and contacts and Woojin types in the number. He hovers his thumb over the 'call' button. He makes eye contact with Chan, who nods with his lips stretched into a half-smile.

Woojin slowly presses the button, his hands becoming clammy. He slowly puts the phone out to his ear. His heartbeat was present, telling him if this was a good idea.

I haven't talked to her since I was eight...


I wonder if she's happier, happier with a new family...


I hope she's doing better...


Without us.



Is that how a cliffhanger works? I'm not sure, I suck at them.

I had to add 20 words for it to be 1k words, and I did because perfectionism.

How do you think Seungmin and Woojin's mother will act? Kind or sour?

I wanted to post earlier, but I didn't know how to transition to the phone call, so Woojin had a panic attack.... I'm sorry bb.

I hope you enjoyed this, finally some action after a billion years!

Seungmin/ Felix/ Jisung: 10

Hyunjin: 11

Chan: 16

Woojin: 17

Here's a sneak peek to a chapter that has yet to come out: "He doesn't know how sorry I am. How important he is. How much I realized what my feelings truly are. I miss him.
Kim Seungmin, one day, I hope we meet. Whether it be on good or bad terms, I will never forget what you have done for me. I will never forget how much I—"
This episode is literally coming out tmrw or in two days, so don't come for me

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