Part 16

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Honestly, reading back, I found the previous chapters more captivating so I'm heading down angst avenue... ALTHOUGH VERBAL ABUSE IS NOT AMUSING AT ALL!



Everything went well with the two boys' mother. She talked to the dean as if she were with Woojin for a majority of his life. Obviously a lie.

Speaking of lies...

Seungmin POV


"Jinnie!" I run backwards as Hyunjin and I make our daily stop at the convenience store. It's on our way back from school, so we often pick up a snack and or some ice cream.

"I'm coming!~" He hums as he runs faster, "Wait- Seungmin! Watch out!" 

Before I can turn around to capture my stance, I bump into a by-passers back. I stumble forward as I feel the mass behind me move as well. I find my balance and turn to the man who's posture is still slumped from the push.

"Oh my goodness I'm so—"

Before I can finish the apology, the man turns around. My eyes widen as I stare at his all too familiar features...

Flashes of horrid memories drown my mind as I stand there with my lips parted slightly. 

"Seungmin wai—" Hyunjin's words drift off as he dashes next to me. "Is something wrong, Minnie?" His eyebrows arch inward due to his concern.  


"So, brat, you decide to appear suddenly?" The man leans down, matching my eye contact. "You look too happy. Another family member left without my consent; and here I thought you were too dumb to leave." His tone intensifies, rough and intimidating. As if the predator were looming over it's prey.

"Now you worthless piece of shit, why did you run? No other place would take in a dog like you, why would they want a runt?" His breathe smelled of alcohol as he blew each word into my face.


"TELL ME WHY THE HELL YOU RAN!!" My father yells inches from my face, spit flinging onto my cheeks. I shiver in fear, tightly shutting my eyes when I feel water building up in my tear ducts.

"Answer the fucking question you dumb bitch." His teeth are clenched as he harshly whispers since he attracted some attention to himself. Although it wasn't a question, I was still stumbling over a reply. 

"What did I just say? WHAT DID I—"

His hand raises to hit me. My body flinches, but I don't feel any pain. My eyes slowly open and I see a figure shielding me.

"H-Hyunjin?" My voice quivers as I stare at what he had just did. A red cheek, a raised hand, and a frozen scene.

He slapped my father.

"Excuse me sir, but this is not the time nor place for violence." Hyunjin's lips stretch into a grin as  my father holds his red cheek. His glare pierces knives at me as it passes Hyunjin.

"Great, so the bitch attracted another one of it's kind" He scoffs, spitting something out to the side of the road. "So, does that mean you're queer now? Huh? You gay fucker?" His legs support his balance as he holds his cheek. He wobbles in his drunkenness.

"Please don't talk to me or my friend like that ever again." I see Hyunjin's shoulders perk in annoyance. "If you continue, I will have no choice but to call 119, and we don't want that." His eyes darken at the site, his lips forcefully stretching back into a clenched smile.

"Well damn, you got me there~" My father rolls his eyes, sarcasm filling his tone. "Do you think I care? What proof do you have anyways? I'm not scared of your petty threats." He crouches down, staring at Hyunjin square in the face.

"Nor am I scared of your weak slaps, if that's what you want to call that." Hyunjin scoffs. A proud smile plasters onto Hyunjin's face, his chest puffing out. "So do yourself the favor of leaving before you embarrass yourself, Mr. Kim. I'm sure the police would choose one side over the other, and it's not yours."

My father rescinds back to his normal posture, snarling at us before leaving the site. His pace being unstable for he ran into a few walls and then disappeared from our vision.

I fall to my knees, cupping my face in my hands. I'm sure it surprised Hyunjin because I could feel his presence next to mine.

"He was scarier... Jinnie, he was so much more aggressive..." I weep and he wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"Maybe so, or maybe you've had a tame life for too long of a time that you're not used to it." His breathe brushes against my ear, the smell of mint more calming than the previous rancid scent of alcohol.

"M-maybe..." My head digs into his neck, "when did you become so mature..." I manage to calm my sobs down with the comfort of him by my side.

"Only for you..." He whispers into my ear, making me shiver at his sudden low voice.

A few minutes pass and all that's left are tear stains visibly on my cheeks. I slowly stand up, brushing rocks off of my scraped knees, giving Hyunjin a quick hand, pulling his mass towards me.

"Can we skip the convenience store just for today?" I smile weakly, intertwining my hands with the older. "I need to think about some things... I just need time..." my sight lands on our arms swinging back and fourth.

Hyunjin nods at me, those dark brown orbs of his staring at me with pity. 

We both walk back home with scraped knees and swollen faces from crying. My father's face is probably also swollen from the slap Hyunjin gave him...

Flashback END

"No way am I telling Woojin hyung about this..." I hold my head as I mumble those inaudible words to myself. "If he knew father was back... I can't even comprehend what he'd do..." I roll onto my stomach, digging my face into the sheets.

"I'm just going to have to lie..."

Knock knock

As if on cue, someone is at my door, but instead of getting up, I just ask who it is. I hold my breath as short silence brushes over, hoping it isn't Woojin.

"It's me, Hyunjin!" I hear a bright exclamation from the other side. Once I heard his voice, I let out a deep sigh, telling him to come in.

"I thought I told you to give me some space." I mumble into a nearby pillow.

"Well too bad, you need comfort." He walks over to the bed and lays on top of me.

"Ow— I'm depressed, leave me alone!" I whine, lacking breath in my tone. Hyunjin doesn't budge, he stays there, limp as a noodle. "Did he?" I move my head to look at his face, the long raven hair falling in front of his eyes, "FALL ASLEEP, WHAT THE— HOW DID HE EVEN?!"


I have writers block so God help me... (bUt i dONt hAvE artIsT blOck No mOre)

This was Seungjin centric because yes, Woochan does fit, but I think the little ones should keep secrets as well.

THIS WAS SO BAD I HATE OMG (I'm slowly hating the more recent chapters more and more, probably because I'm on break ;o;)

This is 4 days late and eye— I'm sorry, hope you enjoyed... see ya...


Seungmin/ Jisung/ Felix: 10

Hyunjin: 11 

Changbin: 12

Chan: 16

Woojin: 17

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