did i miss anything? (2)

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Seth woke up and found himself asleep in his clothes and he had a huge headache.

The only thing he remembered was going to a bar after the cafe incident.

"Ugh." Seth grunts.

"Do you want some Advil?" Roman called from the kitchen.

"Yeah, thanks." Seth sat up on his bed, looking around.

"Here." Roman sat next to Seth on the bed, giving him the Advil.

"What happened?" Seth asks.

"You came here late last night drunk. Dean had to help you to your room and get you to sleep." Roman explains.

"Oh." Seth sighs. "Where is Dean anyway?"

"He went out to get breakfast for all of us." Roman answers.

"I think I'm gonna go for a walk for a while. If Dean comes back let him know I'll be back soon." Seth walks towards the bathroom to get himself ready.

Roman stops him before he can enter the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" Roman asks, concerned.

"Yes, I promise I'm fine." Seth slightly laughing at Romans sudden concern.

"Ok." Roman lets Seth go in the bathroom.

Roman didn't really believe Seth was fine but he didn't want to have an argument with him. Especially since Seth's head was still hurting a bit.


Seth came to his hotel from his walk to find Dean on the couch, watching TV.

Seth felt like turning back but he wanted to make things right with Dean. They were best friends after all.

"Hey." Seth said, taking his shoes off.

"Hi. Um... your breakfast is on the table." Dean avoids eye contact with Seth.

"Thank you." Seth makes his way over to the table and picks up his breakfast.

He sits across from Dean on the couch, eating his breakfast.

"So, where's Roman?" Seth breaks the uncomfortable silence.

"Doing wedding stuff. I don't know." Dean replies, still looking at the TV.

Seth nods and continues to eat his breakfast in silence.

"Was it hard to get me to sleep last night?" Seth smiles at Dean, breaking the silence again.

Dean stops what he's doing on the TV and looks at Seth for the first time since he entered.

"You know what happened last night?" Dean raises his eyebrow.

"Yeah...Roman told me this morning." Seth explains.

"I'm sorry if I bothered you or something—" Dean starts apologizing fast.

Seth just laughs.

"No Dean. You didn't bother me. Thank you for helping me." Seth smiles appreciatively.

Dean shoots Seth a smile back before looking back at the TV.

"Um I want to talk about yesterday." Dean quietly says.

"What about it?" Seth's smile fades away.

"I was such a jerk. I realized that I was so obsessed over my failed relationship with Renee that I didn't notice what you were going through this whole time." Dean sighs.

"Dean..." Seth shakes his head.

"I'm sorry for everything. You don't have to forgive me of course but—" Dean looks away from Seth.

"Of course I forgive you. I got over that like an hour after it happened." Seth cuts Dean off.

"Really?" Dean forces himself to look at Seth, hopeful.

"Yeah. I was actually worried that you were mad at me." Seth laughed.

"So this whole time we were both worrying about each other being mad when we both weren't." Dean smiles.

Both Seth and Dean laugh together at how paranoid each other were.

Roman walked in to see both of them laughing.

"Hey Ro." Seth turns and smiles at Roman.

"Did I miss anything?" Roman smiles at Dean and Seth getting along again.

"Not much. We just realized that we were both worried about each other being mad." Dean explains.

"I told y'all there would be nothing to worry about." Roman drops his stuff on the table and sits on the couch.

All three of them continued to watch TV together, eating their breakfast.

For the first time in months, everything seemed like how it was before.

The pain of their relationships weren't on Seth and Deans mind at all.

They were just enjoying TV together and having fun like old times.

The next chapter has a lot of drama and is really juicy so stay tuned and let me know if you like this story so far. I worked hard on it and I'm enjoying writing this.

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