is this a date? (10)

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It was Saturday morning and Seth and Dean had to travel for work today.

Dean tiredly sat up and checked the time on his phone.

It read 8:00.

Dean went to Seth's bed and shook him gently to wake him up.

"Huh?" Seth turned over on his bed and opened his eyes.

"Seth we have to leave for the airport soon." Dean got up from the bed and stood up.

Seth sat up and smiled.

"I never thought I'd see the day where Dean Ambrose would wake up before me." Seth laughed.

"Yeah I'm suprised I woke up this early too." Dean smirks.

Seth rubs his eyes.

"Make sure you text Cesaro again to confirm him picking us up." Dean sits on his bed.

"Yeah I'll do that after I'm done in the shower." Seth goes into the bathroom to take a shower.
After Seth was done in the shower, he texted Cesaro to confirm him picking them up.

"So what did he say?" Dean asked while putting a few things into his suitcase.

"He said he's on his way already." Seth responded.

"Okay great I just need to get some things from the bathroom." Dean walks into the bathroom to get his stuff.

Seth's hair was still really wet from the shower so Dean grabbed him a towel.

"Here, don't want you getting sick." Dean throws the towel at him.

"Thanks mother." Seth teased.

When Dean got his final things, Dean dragged Seth outside with their stuff.

"Woah why are we going outside?" Seth gives Dean a confused look.

"Why not?" Dean says.

"Cesaro probably won't get here in a while."  Seth still confused.

"Yeah but I want to go for a walk before he comes." Dean shrugs.

"You know you can stop dragging me now." Seth giggles.

Dean looks at his hand and pulls away quickly.

"Sorry. I've been doing that a lot recently haven't I?" Dean blushes.

"Yeah but it's kind of cute." Seth smiles.

It's silent before Seth speaks up again.

"So where are we going exactly?" Seth looks at his surroundings.

"Well since you bought me breakfast and lunch yesterday, I thought I'd take you to breakfast somewhere today." Dean looks at Seth.

"Aww thank you." Seth grins.

"You're welcome." Dean smiles back.

Dean stops at a nice looking restaurant.

"We're here." Dean holds the door for Seth.

Seth looks around in awe of how gorgeous the place looked.

"I feel underdressed." Seth looks behind at Dean.

"Don't worry we're fine." Dean closes the door behind them. "Not many people dress fancy here."

Dean leads Seth to a table and they sit down.

"Here's your menu. Order whatever you want." Dean hands Seth one of the menus.

"Thank you, Dean. This means a lot." Seth smiles genuinely.

"You deserve it. We don't go out that much anyway." Dean stares at his menu.

Seth continues to smile at his best friend before looking back at the menu.

"Did you find anything you—" Dean slowly looks up from his menu.

"Dean! Seth!" A woman yells.

Both Dean and Seth turn their heads to the sound in perfect sync.

It was one of Seth's good friends Charlotte.

She was sitting at a table with her boyfriend Andrade.

Seth wasn't really happy with Charlotte due to that whole incident with Becky at work but it probably wasn't her fault anyway.

"Hey." Seth waved at Charlotte.

Charlotte walks over to Dean and Seth's table.

"Why haven't you texted me in almost a week?" Charlottes smile turns into a concerned frown.

"I've just been busy." Seth shrugs.

"Okay well I've missed you." Charlotte sighs.

"Yeah me too." Seth rolls his eyes, making Dean chuckle.

"Did you just roll your eyes?" Charlotte crosses her arms.

"Hmm? What? No!" Seth's eyes widened.

"Okay..." Charlotte looked at him skeptically.

Seth looked at his menu again, ignoring Charlotte.

Charlotte snatches the menu from his hands.

"Hey—" Seth gasps.

"What are you guys doing here?" Charlotte raises her eyebrow at them.

"What do you think?" Seth laughs. "We're obviously here to eat."

Charlotte looks at Seth with no expression.

Then she gasps and jumps up and down excitedly.

"Is this a date? I've waited—" Charlotte grabs Seth's arm.

"No! What?" Seth pulls away from Charlotte and looks at her shocked.

"Oh..." Charlotte frowns.

Dean coughs uncomfortably.

"Okay well I'm just going to leave." Charlotte says awkwardly. "Have fun and text me soon."

Seth nods as Charlotte walks back to her table.

"Well that was—" Seth starts to laugh.

"Let's just order." Dean picks up his menu.

"Okay." Seth stares at Dean before picking up his menu again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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