how about the beach? (7)

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It was Wednesday morning.

Dean and Seth were eating breakfast while Roman was on his phone texting.

"You aren't hungry Roman?" Seth looked over to Roman.

"Nah." Roman answered, eyes never leaving the phone.

"You've been on the phone all morning. What are you doing?" Dean raised his eyebrow.

"Texting Galina." Roman answered.

Dean thought for a while before speaking again.

"You don't have to stay here if you don't want to. Seth and I can just talk about the best man thing alone." Dean offered.

"It's alright, man. I've been away from Galina for way longer. Plus, I missed my boys." Roman finally looked up from the phone, smiling.

"It's only been a day Roman." Seth furrowed his eyebrows.

Roman shrugged and Seth rolled his eyes, laughing.

"Do you guys want to do something today?" Dean took a sip of his orange juice.

"Sure." Roman was texting on his phone again.

"What do you what to do?" Seth asked.

"I don't know. I wanna go somewhere fun." Dean smiled.

"Or we could just stay home all day talking about who's being eachother best man." Roman smirked, eyes still glued to the phone.

"Not now." Dean sighed, annoyed.

"I'm just playing with you Ambrose." Roman laughed.

"How about the beach?" Seth suggested.

Dean hummed, thinking about Seth's suggestion.

"I'm in." Roman smiled.

Seth looked to Dean and waited for his response.

"Alright I'm in too." Dean drank the rest of his drink and went to the kitchen.

"But I want to go to the gym first. I haven't worked out in a while." Roman told Seth.

"Ok so let's go the gym in an hour and then we can head to the beach at 4." Seth nodded.

Roman nodded back.

"Is that okay with you Dean?" Seth asked.

"Sounds good." Dean said from the kitchen.


After going to the gym and taking a shower, Roman was driving Seth and Dean to the beach.

"I haven't been to the beach in so long." Roman smiled.

"Me either actually." Seth stared out the window.

Dean used to go to the beach a lot with Renee and he wasn't very excited to go the beach as Seth and Roman were.

But because his friends wanted to go so bad, he decided it'd be best to push the past behind him.

"We're here." Roman grinned wide when they reached the beach.

Roman parked and they got out of the car.

Seth went to the back and got their beach stuff.

Dean just silently walked behind his two friends, dreading the nostalgia he was going to get.

The three men were walking and placing their stuff down when Dean noticed something.

He saw John Cena rubbing sunscreen on his ex Renee Young not too far away.

"Oh shit." Dean said barley above a whisper.

Seth heard Dean as he was right beside him and he looked to see what Dean was looking at.

Seth's eyes widened when he saw Renee.

"What's wrong?" Roman noticed Dean and Seth's shocked expression.

Seth and Dean didn't answer so Roman looked around.

"Oh." Roman said, spotting Renee.

Seth looked at Dean concerned.

"Are you okay?" Roman asked, putting his arm on Deans shoulder.

Dean shrugged Romans arm off of him.

"Yeah I'm fine Roman." Dean said sarcastically.

"Do you want to leave?" Seth asked.

"No because if I do that I'll ruin your day." Dean sighed.

Seth and Roman looked at Dean confused so he continued.

"You guys were so excited about going to the beach and now I'm going to ruin it. I'm an idiot who can't get over the fact that Renee left me for someone better and I deserve it." Dean ranted.

"You don't deserve that. You don't deserve her. You're the most kind and selfless guy I've ever met and any girl would be an idiot for leaving you." Seth smiles.

Dean slowly looked up to Seth and smiled back.

Roman also smiled at his two bestfriends having a sweet moment.

"Ok you lovebirds let's get the hell out of here." Roman started grabbing his stuff, throwing some stuff to Dean and Seth.

Dean caught the stuff and looked at it in his hands, confused.

"We're leaving?" Dean looked at Roman and raised his eyebrow.

"Yes." Roman was already walking over to the car.

Dean looked at Seth, guilt written all over his face.

He felt bad that his problems were stopping Roman and Seth from having fun.

"We can go somewhere else." Seth patted Deans back.

"But you guys were so excited and Roman drove all the way—" Dean shook his head, looking down.

"It's ok, Dean." Seth smiled.

"Really?" A small smile grew on the side of Deans face.

"Really." Seth nodded, still smiling.

Deans smile grew wider as he gave Seth a hug.

Dean was so grateful that he has two amazing friends like Seth and Roman. He honestly didn't know what he'd do without them.

"What's taking y'all so long? Get your asses here already!" Roman yelled from the car, causing a few people to stare at them.

Seth quickly grabbed Deans arm and dragged him to the car before Roman could yell again.

"Look who's dragging who now." Dean laughed.

Damn you really don't wanna keep Roman waiting 💀😂

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