who's gonna drive us there? (3)

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Disclaimer: In this story there's going to be a character who acts like a bitch. I have nothing against the actual person in real life as I'm actually a huge fan of that person.

It was Monday, meaning that Seth and Dean had to go to work. Roman had a few days off to stay with Galina and work on their upcoming wedding more.

"Man, this is the first time we are going without Roman in a while." Dean said, while packing his stuff.

Seth and Dean were packing their things to go to their work.
It had been a week since the fight and Seth and Deans relationship was completely back to normal.

"Yeah but at least we won't have to hear about his wedding planning all day." Seth rolls his eyes. "I'm sure we'll hear tons about it when he gets back though."

Both Seth and Dean knew each other were jealous of Romans wedding but they hid it from Roman because they didn't want him to worry about them. But deep down, they really were happy for Roman of course.

"So who's gonna drive us there?" Dean asked, making his way to the door.

Roman was the one who drove Seth and Dean to the building all the time.

"Well I asked Charlotte since she's close to us but she said she couldn't so she asked a friend to." Seth opened the door for Dean and himself.

"What a gentleman." Dean teased, making Seth laugh.

Seth and Dean walked to the parking lot and waited to see who was going to pick them up.

A white van pulled up and a hand poked out, waving for them to come inside.

Seth went to the front seat and Dean headed to the back.

As soon as Seth went inside, he took a look at the driver and his eyes widened.

"Becky!" Seth gasped.

Dean looked to the drivers seat and saw Becky, making his eyes widen too.

"What are you doing here?" Seth asked still in shock.

"I was told to drive someone by my friend." Becky explained, shrugging.

"Charlotte?" Seth raises his eyebrow. "Charlotte wouldn't ask you."

"Actually she could since Charlotte and I are friends too. But since you were the friend to pick up I guess she wouldn't. She asked a friend who asked a friend who asked me." Becky continues to explain. "Guess your stuck with me for now."

"Just my luck." Seth sighed, buckling his seat belt.

Dean awkwardly sat in the back looking out the window.

The drive to the building was awkward and silent as Seth and Becky hadn't spoken to each other since he found out she cheated on him.

"Thanks for the drive Becky." Seth said, getting out of the car once they were there.

Dean sighed in relief and got out too.

"Thanks." He faked a smile at her before closing the door.

Dean never liked Becky but he could probably say he hated her now for what she had done to Seth.

Becky got out of the car too and locked the car.

"What are you doing?" Seth looked behind to see Becky following them.

"I work here too remember?" Becky laughed.

"Oh yeah." Seth rolled his eyes and turned back around to walk.

Becky kept following them until Dean couldn't take it anymore.

"Can you not follow us?" Dean made his tone as nicely as he could but it still sounded mean.

"Excuse me?" Becky asks, offended.

"Stop following us. It's making both Seth and I feel uncomfortable." Dean asked again more loud and sternly.

"Oh so your speaking for Seth now?" Becky raised her eyebrow.

"He isn't. I DO feel uncomfortable. I don't know why your acting like everything's fine cause it isn't." Seth spat at Becky.

"Everything SHOULD be fine now." Becky pointed to her belly.

"What happened?" Seth finally noticed Becky's baby bump was gone.

"I had an abortion. I felt bad that I cheated on you." Becky explains.

"Why would you have an abortion?" Seth asks confused. "You know what it doesn't matter Becky. I don't care and I'm done with you."

Becky rolls her eyes at them

"Let's get out of here." Dean grabs Seth with him. "And don't follow us either."

Dean glared at Becky before turning around and dragging Seth with him.

"Faggots!" Becky yelled after them, gaining everyone's attention.

Dean let go of Seth's arm and went back to Becky.

"What'd you say?" Dean angrily asked.

"I said faggots. You need your ears checked faggot?" Becky yells in Deans face.

"You fucking bitch." Dean charges at Becky but Seth stops him.

"Stop!" Seth pushes Dean away from Becky. "She's trying to get into our heads but we aren't going to allow her to."

"Really?" Becky laughs, crossing her arms. "Looks like I've already gotten into his head to me."

Dean growls at Becky.

"Aw are you angry that I called you a faggot? Well too bad. That's all you ever were and all you ever will be. I should be shocked that your stupid friends didn't notice but I guess they're faggots too. Your probably sleeping with half of them." Becky laughed in his face.

"Says you. Your the biggest slut I've ever seen in my whole life." Dean puts his forehead against Becky's and narrows his eyes. "And if you keep talking your bullshit talk, Seth, anyone here and the fact that your a woman won't keep me from taking you down."

"Oh so your threatening me now? Seth you gotta put a leash on your boyfriend." Becky laughs at Seth.

Seth started to get mad and annoyed with Becky's attitude and how rude she was being to Dean.
Something came over him and he soon found himself walking over to Dean and Becky and staring in Becky's face as Dean was before.

"Becky I swear to God you better leave us the hell alone or you'll wish that you still had your baby to protect you from me." Seth glared at her, fuming with anger.

Dean looks at Seth shocked as he had never seen Seth this aggressive in his life.

It was kind of hot.

Becky was also shocked and Dean could swear he saw a bit of fear in her eyes.

"Whatever have a good life faggots." Becky pushed her way out of Dean and Seth and walked away.

"Well that scared her away." Dean laughed.

"Yeah. I actually don't know what came over me." Seth smiles.

When he turns around, he sees a bunch of people staring at him, making him frown.

"Ok let's get the hell inside." Dean runs, dragging Seth with him.

"You really love dragging me, huh?" Seth laughs.

"I guess I do." Dean smiles.

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