why are you here so early? (6)

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Dean and Seth were on the couch watching TV and drinking beer.

Seth had promised Dean that he would only have one.

As they were watching TV, they heard the front door open.

It jump scared them and they look at each other, confused.

"What the fuck?" Dean said, getting up from his seat to see who it was.

Seth followed him to the front door.

"Roman what the hell are you doing here?" Seth asked.

"You guys don't seem so happy to see me. Did I interrupt a moment or—" Roman joked.

"Why are you here so early?" Dean interrupted Roman.  "I thought you were supposed to be gone for a week."

"I was but Galina and I ended getting a lot of work done in one day. We decided I should come back here for a while so you idiots can finally decide the best man." Roman explained.

"That's supposed to be your job." Seth defended himself.

"Yeah but I don't want to choose between you two so you guys have to decide." Roman smirked.

Dean and Seth rolled their eyes.

"Ok fine. Come on in already." Dean stepped out of the way so Roman could walk in.

"I was going to." Roman laughed.

Seth shut the door behind them once Roman was in with all his stuff.

"You guys have 3 days to decide who is going to be my best man before I go back with Galina." Roman set his bags near the kitchen.

"Ok but I don't really want to think about that right now. No offence." Dean sighed.

As much as Dean loved and missed Roman, he hated that he was going to have to hear him talk about his wedding again for 3 days straight.

"It's all good. I didn't expect y'all to talk about it now anyways." Roman smiles

Roman sits on the couch with Dean and Seth and grabs a beer.

"So what happened while I was gone?" Roman made him self comfortable.

Roman was known to love hearing drama and things that he missed.

"Nothing much. We just went to work and then a bar yesterday." Seth laid back on the couch.

"Who drove you guys?" Roman asked, making Seth tense up.

Dean noticed and decided it was best for him to answer it.

Dean took a deep breath and answered.

"Uh...it was Becky." Dean practically whispered.

But Roman heard him.

Roman sat up in his seat and his eyes widened.

"Becky?" Roman repeated. "Becky drove you there?"

Dean and Seth nodded.

"Why would Becky drive you guys?" Roman looked to Seth.

Seth sighed.

"I asked Charlotte to drive us but she couldn't so she asked a friend who asked a friend who asked Becky." Seth explained to Roman.

Roman remembered that Becky is connected to Charlotte since they are friends too.

"That must have been awkward." Roman cringed, picturing what it would have felt like.

"It was." Dean shook his head.

"So what happened then?" Roman asked.

Seth didn't understand what Roman meant.

"Did you guys talk or anything?" Roman added so Seth could understand.

"Yeah... she was arguing with Dean and I until I finally got her to go away." Seth looked down at the floor.

"Even though I threatened her too, Seth was the only one to get her even a bit scared." Dean laughed.

"Damn I'm impressed, Seth. Wish I could have seen it." Roman smiled.

"Oh how you love drama." Seth rolled his eyes.

"It's always entertaining." Roman shrugged.

The three men laughed together.

"I always knew Becky was a bitch." Roman said but instantly regretted it when he remembered Seth was still in love with her. "Sorry Seth."

"Nah, I agree. She really is a bitch." Seth sighed.

"At least your free from her now and you see her true colours." Dean rubs Seth's back.

Seth looks up at Dean and nods before hugging him.

Roman wiggles his eyes at the two and how touchy Dean was with Seth.

Dean was never touchy with anyone. He wasn't even that touchy with Renee.

Dean noticed Roman in the corner of his eye and he gave him the middle finger, still hugging Seth.

Roman silently gasped and pretended to be offended making Dean laugh.

Seth and Dean pulled away from the hug and Roman turned on the TV, pretending he wasn't looking at them the whole time.

Roman put on his favourite action movie.

The same action movie he forced Dean and Seth to watch a million times.

"Again Roman? Come on!" Seth threw his hands in the air and rolled his eyes.

Dean just put his face in his hands, laughing.

"Y'all know you love this movie." Roman danced to the theme song.

Roman is a dork😂 and he clearly ships ambrollins.

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