why do you ask? (9)

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After spending 6 hours with Roman it was time for him to head for the airport.

"I'm going to miss you guys." Roman hugs Dean and Seth.

"We will miss you too." Seth smiles.

"Damn I'm going to miss you driving us to work." Dean pouts, making them laugh.

"Don't worry, Dean. Once I go back to work I'll be driving you guys again." Roman grabs his bags.

"That's like two months." Dean complains.

"Oh shit we have to ask someone to drive us again." Seth sighs.

"Take my advice and don't ask Charlotte this time." Roman laughs.

"Okay got it." Seth rolls his eyes laughing.

Roman gives Seth and Dean a quick hug before driving to the airport.

Dean and Seth watch him drive off before sitting down on the couch.

"I should probably find someone to drive us to the airport tomorrow." Seth pulls out his phone.

Seth texts one of his best friends Cesaro. Cesaro had driven Seth when he was injured and was a really good friend.

"I texted Cesaro. He said he'd be happy to drive us." Seth looked up from the phone.

"Great." Dean says while watching TV.

"Hey, do you want me to order chinese?" Seth asks.

"Sure." Dean still stares at the TV.

Seth couldn't help but be worried for Dean after yesterday.

He knew he still wasn't over about what happened with Renee.

He knew that Dean still loved her.

"Dean are you okay?" Seth looks at Dean with concern.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" Dean finally looks at Seth.

"You've just been a bit quiet today." Seth shrugs.

"I'm just nervous I guess." Dean stares at the floor.

Seth gives him the sign to continue.

"This is all happening so fast. The wedding and all. I mean I'm happy for him but it just feels weird." Dean continues to explain.

"I know how you feel." Seth smiles genuinely.

Dean smiles back a bit before turning his attention back to the TV.

"I'll go order the chinese food while you find a movie to watch." Seth picks up his phone again and walks into the bathroom.
Someone knocks at the door and Seth grabs his wallet.

He pays for the chinese food and then sets it on the table.

"Dig in." Seth already starts eating.

"Someone's hungry." Dean smirks.

Seth laughs and continues eating.

"Thank you. Again." Dean smiles.

"No problem." Seth smiles back. "Now what movie did you pick out?"

"The same movie from last night because we fell asleep through half of it." Dean points to the TV.

"Yeah. Because it's boring." Seth laughs.

"It's not boring." Dean raises his eyebrow.

"Yes it is." Seth tried to be serious but he failed to hold in his laughter.

"No it isn't." Dean playfully glared.

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't."

"Then why did we fall asleep through it?"

"I don't know because we were tired?" Dean laughs.

Seth throws one of his noodles at Dean.

"Hey!" Dean yells.

"What?" Seth giggles.

Dean throws his chicken at Seth and it hits him in the face.

Dean falls to the floor laughing.

"I'm going to kill you." Seth laughs and continues to throw noodles at Dean.

Dean keeps dodging them and throws another chicken at Seth.

"What the hell—" Seth pouts.

"That's why you don't mess with me." Dean laughs.

"Alright I give up." Seth looks at the grease stains on his shirt from the chicken.

"Your cleaning up all those noodles." Dean points at the noodles all over the floor.

"Yeah, yeah." Seth grins.

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