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Taeyong came out to the rest of his group mates too, Doyoung and Taeil, at the end of their Japan tour before they went back home to rest. After a short shock and worrying, they both seemed to be surprisingly okay with the fact that he was into guys.

Mark had a plan which every group member gave their permission to. Their boss wasn't asked permission though. Taeyong couldn't be more delighted and thankful. He had wanted to kiss Mark's cheek but he had been punched in the gut before he had managed to do so.

"Then all we now need is the scandal..." Doyoung thought out loud. They were all gathered in Taeyong's hotel room.

Mark's plan included that they were going to create the same rumor again about the fact that Taeyong was gay. Then they would see what kind of response their fans and the media gave, maybe confusion, hate, support. If the result was mostly mostly good, Taeyong would confirm the rumor. If not, then it would be denied and things would go back to the way they had always been.

If the plan was going well, their group would eventually gain popularity that no Korean band had ever before achieved. There would be hate and criticism nevertheless. It was eventually going to be revolutionary.

Taeyong could also be comfortably himself in front of anyone. He wouldn't need to pretend anymore in public. He wouldn't need to write a one song for a girl ever again. He wouldn't need to tell lies everyday. He would learn what he'd actually want, need, in his life.

"I could kiss Ten again in public..." Taeyong proposed.

"It wouldn't work twice. It would be seen as showing brother like affection." Ten was quick to respond. Taeyong knew it was maybe because he just didn't want to be involved so closely in the scandal again. Taeyong thought again.

"Can I use Jaehyun?" The four pairs of eyes were on him in a second.

"Don't you think it's too much asked from an outsider?" Mark asked in concern.

"That's why I said use-"

"Mark, Jaehyun's not an outsider actually." Ten interrupted his hyung. "He's pretty much involved. Taeyong hyung, I think it's a good idea. Because no one knows him. You could pretend being on a date with him and go in public where people could recognise you." He suggested.

"How's this Jaehyun -guy involved with Taeyong again?" Taeil asked, trying his best to keep up with the conversation.

"Jaehyun's the guy Taeyong had been seeing behind our backs. He also has feelings for Jaehyun." Ten explained, having the most information about it after Taeyong himself. Taeyong blushed. He decided to ignore what Ten had said.

"Or I could just go talk to him in public, pretending that we're so close, like...boyfriends. He's so stupid he doesn't even realise he's being used in our evil plan." Taeyong said, flustered, heart fluttering weirdly when he thought about meeting  Jaehyun one more time.

"That's alright too but don't over do it. The scandal is otherwise hard to override if it doesn't go well." Mark agreed. He then grimaced. "The boss is gonna be so pissed."

If the homophobic ceo would threaten resigning Taeyong after the scandal occurring, they would tell him that he could kick out the whole group at the process. Losing a whole group would be huge loss for the company. That way they were all safe. Taeyong had the best support he could ever wish for.

He was going to visit the diner Jaehyun worked at. His heart was already jumping in his chest as he walked through the dark streets, busy with people. No one could see his face, no one could recognise him as he had covered all of himself in black clothing. He loved it.

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