Chapter Two

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These medications had me loosing any ounce of sanity I had left.

I was having a staring contest with a book.

The best thing about being in a hospitals mental ward was that there were plenty of other people who would stare down forks.

I’d actually seen it happen.

An old man had a phobia of forks so they made him sit in a room with one.

I wondered why they tortured him like that, then I witnessed the man getting the doctor back when he stabbed the doctors hand with the fork.

“Miss Casse,” Nurse Haley said coming into the room with my lunch.

She was the only nurse I actually liked. She was only in her early twenties. Sometimes, when she wasn’t majorly busy, she’d come and just sit in my room with me. She was usually running around, loosing her mind too, and she found it peaceful to just sit in here with me, neither of us talking. She would sometimes tell me she thinks she should be the patient instead of the nurse. Over the past two weeks, she’d been the only one I had actually talked to. But I still didn’t totally trust her.

“Here’s your lunch. I trust you’ll finish it completely. I’ve gotta go help Mr John,” she said sitting the tray on the table beside me.

I nodded. She gave me a pat on the shoulder before leaving.

I kicked the journal off the foot rest in front of me. It thumped to the floor and stayed there.

I grabbed the roll off my tray and pulled my legs up to my chest, pinching off bits of the roll.

“MAIL CALL!! GET YOUR MAIL!! MAIL CALL!!” Miss Shirley, from down the hall, screamed as she entered my room.

“You’re not a mail lady anymore, Shirley,” I said without looking at her.

“PHONE BILL!! GAS BILL!!” She screamed walking around my room.

“Get out,” I said setting my roll down, not having an appetite.


I got out of my chair and went to the door.

“Go back to your room,” I said opening it.

“YOU NEED TO GET YOUR MAIL!!” She screamed.

“Go give John his mail,” I said motioning for her to leave.

“Oh yes, John needs his Cosmopolitan,” she said hurriedly walking past me.

I shut the door behind her and went and sat back down in my chair.

“Knock, knock,” Adam said coming through the door.

I sighed. Whenever my Mom wasn’t able to visit, she’d send Adam. They were the last two people I wanted to see.

“Your Mom sent me to bring you a few things from home. Make this place a bit more comfortable,” he said sitting a duffel bag down on my bed.

How could this place possibly be more comfortable? I mean, the plain white walls and plain white bedding and gray chairs and white floors just make it seem so much like home.

I didn’t say anything.

“She sent a sketch book, some CDs, and a few other things. The Doctors said it would be good to have things that made you happy surround you..” he said pulling a few things from the bag.

“Then you’re not helping,” I mumbled.

He continued as if I hadn’t said anything, though, by the change of his tone, I knew he’d heard me.

Keep Me From Falling Apart [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now