I dare Britt, Ellie, Jeanne, amd Theo to tell their crushes.

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Alex- Guys! We have a new dare!
*Everyone except Alvin and Slade gather around*
Simon- Who's it from?
Alex- Ross_Lynch_Lover13, it says that Brittany, Jennette, Eleanor, and Theodore have to tell their crushes. It's obvious that Theo Likes Ellie cause their a couple. And Jennette has a boyfriend named David... So that only leaves Brittany!
Everyone looks at her.
Brittany- W-well.... It's not a boy.... Sh-she has l-long hair... A-a-and she has pinkish-blue eyes...
The girls gasp.
Eleanor- You mean Julie?!
Jennette- I don't blame ya, she is cute. And I've heard she's lesbian. So you might have a shot!
Brittany- Y-you really think so?
Eleanor- Absolutely!
They hug each other.
Alex- I think I can hear the fanfictions being typed away. I can just see it, Brittany x Jennette x Eleanor!
They quickly let go.
Jennette- EW! I've already read one and it was disgusting!! Don't remind me of that again!
Eleanor- Yeah! Ew!
Brittany- GROSS!!!
Alex laughed like a mad man.
Alex- Hahahahhehehe... Ok.. ok.. that's for the dare Ross_Lynch_Lover13! Have a good day/night!
All that's in the room- BYE!!!

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