I dare you to do the Ice bucket Challenge.

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Alvin- Guys! We have a Dare by Ross_Lynch_Lover13. It says that we have to do the ice bucket challenge.
Daniel- I've done that once... It's.... Well, you'll know shortly.

They filled the tub with a bunch of ice and cold water. The all just jumped inside. They were all shivering except for Alex and Jessie.
Alex- This is extremely cold.
Jessie- Yup. I can't feel my hands.
They were both emotionless.

After about an hour of being in there, they got out.
Simon- A-a-are y-yo-y-yo-you and J-j-j-Jessie no c-c-c-cold?!?
Jessie- oh no, we're freezing.
Alex- I can't feel half of my body.
Alvin- W-WE-Well... T-th-th-tha-thanks f-f-for the d-d-dare!
Alex- We'll see you later. Bye.

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