I dare Brittany to ask out Julie.

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Alex- oohlala!! GUYS! WE HAVE A DARE!!
*Everyone gathers around*
Jennette- Who's it from?
Alex- Ross_Lynch_Lover13! It says that Brittany has to ask Julie out!
Brittany blushed a bright red.
Brittany- I-I'll to call her...
Brittany picks up the phone and calls Julie. After a few minutes, she hangs up and heads out.

They were at the mall. Julie was blushing a little.
Julie- Hey, Britt?
Brittany- Yeah?
Julie grabbed a dress that was pink and blue.
Julie- Do you think this will look good on me??
Brittany- Of course!
Julie smiles.
Julie- Thanks!
She blushes as she seductively moved in and kissed Brittany on the lips with no warning. Brittany was blushing so hard that steam was coming out of her ears. She closed her eyes and kissed back.

Brittany came in the door and sat down on the couch and sighed dreamily.
Alex- I'm guessing it went well?
Brittany- uh-huh...
Alex- Welp, thanks for the dare Ross_Lynch_Lover13! Have a good day/night! Bye!!!

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