Chapter 7

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Hayes left three hours and 21 minutes ago. All I've been doing is looking at the clock in my bedroom and wondering when he was going to call. All the food is still on my dresser, but I don't have the strength to move it. His sweatshirt is still sitting at the end of my bed, where he forgot it. We had sat and talked to each other for about an hour and I enjoyed every minute of it except for the minute he told me he had to leave. Of course, he texted me before he got on the plane, saying how he loved me and couldn't wait to see me again about twenty minutes ago. Every second he moves farther and farther from me and it's created this feeling in my stomach that won't go away.

Shay's still in her reverie, believing that Hayes came to see her. I can't imagine how many friends she's texted. Debby informed me that we are going out to dinner a few minutes ago, but I haven't moved a muscle to get changed or even take a shower, which I need desperately. I collase onto my side and my head presses against Hayes's sweatshirt that smells like him and I sware I almost cried. Then I get up and walk to the bathroom.

After my shower and blow drying my hair, I put on a dress and slip a sweater over it. Then I slip some boots on with black lace socks that show at the top. My mom had bought the outfit for me on my birthday in the spring.

When I come down the steps, Debby asks "Well, look at you. I don't remember buying any of that." She smiles when she says it.

"Uh, my mom actually got it for me." I rub my hand up my arm.

She frowns a little, like she's offended. I don't think she likes the idea of me not thinking of her as her mother. "Well, you look very nice. If you want, we can go shopping and get some more outfits like that. Some mother-daughter time."

I am so tempted to roll my eyes.

Shay comes down the steps. She's wearing high-waisted shorts with tights under them, combat boots, and a leather jacket with a neon green tank top on under it. Not the best choice, I think. She blows a bubble and it pops. "How come you never take me shopping?" she complains.

Debby starts to wipe down the counter. "You have plenty of clothes."

Debby's husband Shawn walks down the steps and compliments all of us by saying how beautiful we are. Then we all go out to the car. At the restaurant, Shay eventually ditches us for a boy in the arcade, so I sit there and have a very awkward conversation with my step parents about the weather and school. I don't eat my dinner, just move it around the plate to make Debby think I did. Then we all get back in the car and go back home. My phone is on my bed.

17 calls from Hayes Grier.

On Her ArmsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora