Chapter 16

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I wanted to leave. God, I can't tell you had bad I wanted to leave because the sight was so painful. A doctor stood above her body  with two police officers and her mother was standing off to the side crying and sneaking looks every once and a while which made her cry more. A nurse sat by her side and tried to comfort her. 

I had tried to cry. I really had, but it was impossible. This life doesn't allow it. So I sat up on the branch and watched the whole thing happen. Eventually they came and dragged away the body that used to be her and everyone left, but you could still see the flattened grass and the hints of blood in it. She was still dead. 

In some ways, I can see why she wanted to die. All her family was gone, I was gone, and my brother was stupid enough to come tell her what she had done to me, which wasn't exactly true. If anything, I had killed myself. 

It wasn't raining outside like it had when I died. The sky's blue and the cold air feels refreshing and the sun is bright enough that it could be summer. The universe almost seemed happy that she was dead, like they were excited about getting rid of her. How could it be happy? I was never going to get to see her again. She was doomed to hell. 

I guess that's just how life works. Sometimes you get everything that you want, and sometimes you don't get any of it, not even if it's the thing you love the most. 

And with that last thought, my feet push off the branch and my wings lift up into the air. 

At least her last thought was of me, even if she didn't know it.

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