chapter nine

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up top is what I imagine Aria to be like


Who kisses someone, and then says no when they are asked to go out? Isn't she interested? I guess it's better to just stay friends. I guess I'm getting to clingy. I really need more friends. I better go to sleep. It's probably at least 12:00 in the morning.

Next Day


I hope I didn't hurt Carl, I just want to always be friends with him, not date him. I'll probably always say no, but I don't want him thinking that. I want him to have something to look forward to in life. He might not even like me. I don't care either way. I don't know why, but I can't think of a world without Carl. It's weird, I know, but I think like that all the time.

"Hey Carl!" I said, it sounded forced though.

"Hi, wanna go eat some breakfast?"

"Yeah, let's go."

We talked about animals and how much fun it would be to have one. We both decided to bring it up to Rick. But then we thought, it would be crazy by then, and it might hurt us. We walk to the dining area, but no one was there. We heard cries and screams from the big room and we ran as fast as we could to there. There was a door blocking us from getting in. Daryl ran up with an ax, and started to bang it on the door. It didn't do anything, it didn't even make a scratch.

Then my mom came to the door and started sobbing. I did too. We touched the door and we slid down. I feel like crap. I would never imagine a world without Andrea. I can't. Suddenly, the door opened and we all started running. We grabbed all our stuff and we left.

We were in the RV again and we were on our way to somewhere but nowhere at the same time. We just drove upwards north. I just wanted to be safe. So we drove.

We eventually stopped after two days of driving. We stopped for supplies. So as if it were routine, Carl, Sophia, and I went out to play. We were only outside for ten minutes before we heard screaming. It was Rick.

"Everyone get down!" I was under a car with Carl, under the car to the right was Lori and Carol, to the left was Sophia all by herself. She wasn't suited to be all by herself yet in this world.

When we thought it was over, Sophia got out from under her car. Then two walkers started chasing her and she ran off the side of the road. Rick went after her. When he came back, he said he told Sophia to keep the sun on her shoulder and make her way back to the highway. Carol started bawling.

"She's just a baby, she can't make it out there by herself..." She kept repeating. I already knew she was dead.


I was in the woods. All alone. No one with me. I am going to die. They already left. I took a right, keeping what was let of the sun on my shoulder. I see it! Finally! I'm going to make it. Then, I hear crunching leaves from behind me.

I am too late.

Next Day


Things aren't really looking well, but I just cannot be the death of that innocent little girl. I can't. The way Carol looked at me, as if I were less than the walkers, was sick. I can't believe what I've done. Daryl came back from his trail.

"Did ya find any clues Daryl?" What? Clues? Really? This isn't fucking scooby doo.

"Yeah, I did, I found her doll up in the river yonder." He pointed towards east. Then Shane, Lori, Carol, Carl, Aria, Andrea, Daryl and I went east, until we heard something faint, but we could hear it.

"Damn church bells." Shane murmured. We ran in that direction until a small church came into view. We ran inside the church and took a look around. There were only three walkers. We took them down easily. We all went to pray until it was my turn.

"Now I know you've done enough for me already, giving me the chance to see my wife and kid again and I know I don't pray much, but please, help me find this little girl and keep her safe."


I just realized it now. I'm falling for Shane. I see him talking to Lori, skank. And I overhear their conversation clearly.

"I'm leaving tomorrow." Shane said quietly. "So no one can protest or do anything about it, just like you wanted."

"No good byes for Rick or Carl? That kid looks up to you! And I never said to leave. I said to leave my family and I alone."

"See, Lori, I can't do that."

"And why not?"

"Because Lori I love you too much and Rick is my best friend, I could never do that to him, and Carl, I look at him as if he was my own. I couldn't imagine a world without you." These words shocked me and hurt me. Lori hesitated to answer.

"They are going to wonder where we are." She said as she left. Shane looked to the ground first, then at me.

"So you are leaving tomorrow?"


"Can I come with you? Please, just give me a ride or something I don't want to be here anymore."

"What about Aria hm? Just leave her?"

"I could take her but please, please take me out of here."

He hesitated before saying,"okay" and then I left.


My dad and I wanted to keep looking, but the rest of the group wanted to head back. My mom and Aria wanted me to go with them.

"Please Carl? I'm going to be so bored." Now she cares that I am there? Why am I even thinking like this. I've been pouting since she declined me as a boyfriend. I am being so stupid.

"Just for a little bit. We won't go far." My mom bit her lip before saying "okay" and she sent Shane, my dad and I off.

It was so peaceful. We were just looking for Sophia and it was actually calm. Then I saw a huge deer. Shane cocked his gun, but I wanted to touch it before he shot it. When I looked at it's eyes I thought about Aria. We were talking about animals before we left the CDC. I kept walking towards it. Surprisingly, it didn't run away. I just kept walking towards it until I heard a huge noise. The deer fell and I felt a massive pain in my stomach.


Then I fell.

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