chapter ten

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Aria is up top^


I chose to listen to Carl and not do the right thing shooting the deer. Carl collapsed to the ground. Then I saw a figure running towards us.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see the boy 'til after he fell." I am so pissed. He killed m- I mean, Ricks son. The thought of Rick right now pains me.

He has everything I want and need. He has Lori, Carl, the role as the leader, how did I not end up being leader? Oh yeah, Rick developed an elaborate plan and saved half the group's lives. I could never do that, I am only ever going to admit that to myself. I would never tell someone I'm weak.

"You killed him."

"He still has a heart beat, but it's faint." Rick cried. Weak I thought. And the group still don't want me as their leader. Some people just have bad judgement I guess.

"Take him to Hershel! He'll know what to do!" And with that, Rick took Carl into his arms, and he ran to where the fat man was pointing.

"What's your name?" I asked the fat guy roughly.

"Otis, I am truly sorry about your boy." I froze. He just called Carl mine. That made me feel, good. I realized it couldn't last though, but I lied trying to make the goodness last longer.

"Thank you. Otis?"


"If he don't live, that goes on you."

"I know, Hershel will do all he can to save him." He sounded sincere, but the whole thing sounds like a trap.


I kept going at a full sprint until a white house came into view. A man figure was on the porch staring at me. I probably look like shit. I mean, I haven't showered since the CDC and Carl's blood is all over me. I asked him his name before he could do anything.

"Are you Hershel?"

"Yes, I am."

"Please, save my boy." I said as I fell to the ground crying.

"He's lost a lot of blood, know his blood type?"

"A positive, same as mine."

"Well that's fortunate, we will have to give some of your blood to your boy. What's his name?"

"Carl. Please, I need to go tell my wife, she deserves to know!"

"I'm sorry, but if Carl's gonna live, you'll have to stay here. Maggie!"

"Yes dad?"

"Tell Patricia to set up the IV. And go find this mans wife, and bring her here. What's her name?"

"Lori Grimes, we are on the highway by an RV. Please, also bring his friend, Aria, it wouldn't feel right without her here."


"Yes dad?"

"Also bring with you, Aria."

"Okay! I'm on my way!" And with that she closed the door and got on her horse.


"Something wrong Lori?" Carol asked.

"No." I said. "Just my mother senses."

"Oh." We only went forward for a short second when a young girl with short brown hair comes to us.

"I'm looking for Aria and Lori Grimes." How did she know our names.

"What do you need?" I asked before Aria could speak.

"Lori, your son has been shot, he needs you right away." I stand there, frozen in shock. Aria starts to tear up and cry.

"Follow me! He needs you both desperately." Before Andrea could say anything, Aria was already on the horse and so was I.

"What is your name?" Aria asked.

"Maggie Greene. You must be Aria."

"Who told you?"



"How much farther is the house?"

"Ma'am its a farm and here it is." She rides faster and the farm comes into view.

"Wow, this place looks amazing!" Aria said, astonished by the view. We got to the house and I ran inside. My son was hooked up to an IV laying on a bed and Rick was right next to him with Shane in front of the bed. No telling how long they were there. Hershel came in.

"The deer slowed down the bullet which definitely saved Carl's life, but the bullet ended up in six fragments. I'm going to have to pull them out with these." Hershel held up what looked like giant tweezers.

"Alright." Rick said. "As long as it saves my boy." Hershel stuck in the tweezers and he began to start the process of pulling out the bullets. Carl shot up in pain and Aria took his hand. He was still screaming but he calmed a little bit when she held his hand.

"STOP HURTING MY BOY!" Rick screamed.

"That was the shallowest one, if Carl doesn't calm down, he could pop a blood vessel which could cause internal bleeding.

My heart sunk.

My son is not going to make it, is he.

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