Chapter 2: Going The Distance

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Liam's Pov.

I made my way through the airport; at this point, finding the exit would be impossible. It was crowded. A few people stood around, holding signs for their significant other, or whomever they were waiting to pick up. My luggage bag was equipped with wheels, so it made it even harder to squeeze pass people; either it was bumping into people's legs, getting caught between their legs, or running over their feet. I just got off a nine hour flight from Wolverhampton. This wasn't my first time in Chicago. I've visited several times, since my best friend Harry has moved out here; he decided to move to America for college, last year. It took me a while to make the big move, but here I am. He has no idea I'm here, or my plans of moving in with him; but, hopefully, it wouldn't pose a problem. It's not nice being a burden. That's how I felt back at home. Still living with your parents, after graduating from high school, can be a bit complicated. They set a lot of goals and propositions, hoping you'll meet them in the amount of time giving; however, it was easier said than done.

I found my way out of the airport and stood on the sidewalk, scanning the area. I wasn't that accustomed to this neighborhood, seeing as Harry always picks me up whenever I land; I usually fell asleep during the ride to his home, so I can't say that any further buildings would be familiar to me. "Excuse me." I tried to grasp the attention of a woman walking by, but she just ignored me and continued to walk. My accent isn't quite familiar in this city, and I can admit that I talk pretty fast, at times, so they probably didn't want to deal with the hassle of trying to understand me. "Oh boy." I continued to walk, reading the signs of the buildings. I passed a pet shop and a corner liquor store. As I was crossing the street, I came across a café. It reminded me of home, in a way. I couldn't help, but check it out.

Upon entering, a bell jingled. One table was taken up by a mother and child; she was enjoying a creamed-bagel in one hand and the newspaper in the other. Her daughter sat in the stool that I assume was provided by the café. At another table, there was an elderly couple engaged in conversation. I smiled at the sight, knowing that love has kept them together this long. The walls were covered in photographs of old, legendary performers with autographs written on them; a few were of sail boats and beach scenarios. A plant stood, at least, 6 feet tall in one of the corners. A little David Archuleta was playing gently in the background.

(🎶 I sit and wait. Does an angel contemplate my fate? And do they know the places where we go where we're grey and old? 'Cause I've been told that's salvation...🎶)

I approached the counter, luggage still by my side. "What can I get for you today?" A woman with sandy brown hair in a bun stood behind the cash register. Her apron had a few coffee stains; but it only shouted 'hard worker', instead of 'messy'. Her dark brown eyes met with mine, followed by a smile. Her name tag read Laila.

"Hi. Can I get a small coffee and a blueberry muffin?"

"Yes, you may." She smiled. It was more of a sincerity smile, rather than being flirtatious. "By the way, nice accent. Where are you from?"


"That's a big travel. What brings you here, if you don't mind me asking?" She leaned on the counter, suddenly taking interest in my background.

"Well, I have a friend that resides here. I wanted to venture out, see what other opportunities await me. Why not Chicago, for starters?"

"Well, welcome to Chicago. I'm Laila." She stuck her hand out.

"Liam." I shook it; she then handed me my order and I made my way back to the streets of Chicago. I figured that now would be the best time to just call Harry, before anything went haywire. I took my iPhone out of my pocket. "Shit." The battery was at two percent. I walked back into the café and the ring of the bell caused Laila's head to shoot back up. She smiled, instantly. "Oh, uhm. I was wondering if maybe you had a pay phone."

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