Chapter 12: Heading West

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AN: I would like to say thank you to everyone for helping me reach 600+ views, so far. As I mentioned in the last chapter, the story will be ending soon. There's only two chapters left, which will be uploaded next weekend. So, here's chapter 12 and enjoy xo


Niall's Pov.

I sat on the couch, eyeing Louis and Zayn and vice versa. They sat there, staring at me. I was preparing to give them insight on the great, recent news I received; however, I didn't know how to break it down to them. The silence was awkward and they were probably thinking I'm crazy for inviting them over without saying anything. Zayn coughed and I got the hint.

"Dude, we've been sitting here for about five minutes. Are you going to tell us?" They were becoming impatient. It was quite funny though, taunting them.

"Well, a few days ago I applied to Los Angeles Academy and I received a letter yesterday for my audition date. It's tomorrow."

"That's great!" Louis shouted.

"But, wouldn't that mean you would have to move there if you get accepted?" Zayn didn't look quite happy and Louis' excitement on his face disappeared at the thought.

"I know. That's the difficult part, but I have to take the opportunity. I hope you guys understand. I can't be a Chicago resident forever." I explained. I started fiddling with my fingers a little. It grew quiet, but only for a split second.

"Well, Ni. We wouldn't want to hold you back, but, if you think for one second we're not going to be there for your audition, you're crazy." Louis was very supportive and I was thankful. Zayn still didn't look too happy, but I hope this wouldn't change anything. This would be my first time away from them, for good.

"When is your flight?" Zayn asked.

"It's at 2:45 pm, today."

"Well, we have some packing to do. We're going with you now. I'll make some calls and see if I get Zayn and I some tickets and we'll see where things go from there." Louis protested. He walked away and headed towards the bathroom. Zayn and I sat there, eyes locked on each other.

"What about Liam?" I dreaded the mention of his name. I knew I would be back after my audition; however, if things went beyond well, then it'll be only temporary. To pack my things and leave for good.

"I-I don't know, Zayn. I'm just the friend."

"No, Ni. I'm just the friend. What you two have is beyond that. I don't care what he said, he didn't mean it." Maybe Zayn was right, but who am I to challenge that? I wasn't going to put the pressure on Liam of being with me and certainly not asking a huge favor such as moving to Los Angeles. We're at two different places now.

"I just need to focus on this, for now. Deal with one problem at a time. I don't need the stress, okay?"

"If you say so, but remember, even when you try to hide your feelings, they'll always be there, embedded in your mind. Don't ignore them. That can't be healthy." I let out a sigh, then commenced to rubbing Percy's fur. Too much sacrificial moments in life that I wasn't ready for. I don't have the answer and solution for everything, but, one thing's for sure, these feelings definitely were going to follow me where ever I go.


Liam's Pov.

I sat in the café, sipping away at my mocha and reading the daily newspaper. It was bombarded with stories of celebrities and their accolades, as well as the sports section; I wasn't a big sports fan, but it would do, for now. I looked up to find the same mother and child, from my first visit here. The baby's laughter filled the room as the mother played a game of peek-a-boo. It was quite amusing; the simple times. Being a baby definitely didn't come with any worries. Laila was behind the counter, ringing an order up for a customer. One of Taylor Swift's melodies played, softly, throughout the shop.

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