Chapter 11: Take It All In Stride

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AN: Just wanted to give a dedication to Harry_Styles_Fan123 for always reading and voting, much appreciated :). To the right, there is a link to 'Fix A Heart' by Demi Lovato. It will be used later on this chapter. Also, this story will pretty much be coming to an end very soon :/. Enjoy.

Liam's Pov.

I decided to head into work earlier than usual. It was now 9:15 am and my shift didn't start for another two hours. I cleaned the counters, scrubbing away any hint of alcohol stains. I saw Zac come out of his office, instructing the janitor to fulfill another obligation, then headed my way.

"Liam, I need to talk to you for a second." He took a seat at one of the stools and rested his intertwined-hands on it. "Now, as you know, we have no performance for tonight. Louis will be here; however, he refuses to perform alone, so I told him to work the bar, tonight. Zayn won't be out the hospital until tomorrow."

"I'm not catching on." I stood there in confusion. He was telling me information I've already obtained.

"Well, I understand you're a man of many talents and don't deny it. Niall has told me before. I was wondering if you could, maybe, perform something tonight."

"Zac, I-I can't perform the way they do. They put so much practice into it and it just comes naturally." Niall once said, 'if you can dance, then that's good enough'; however, I just wasn't up for it. I couldn't perform the way they did. I'm usually seen as the cute or handsome one. I don't exemplify sex appeal.

"Look, you don't have to worry about the choreography aspect of the performance. If you can sing, that'll be just great. People don't always come here for raunchy, promiscuous dancing. Please? Just this one favor." I thought about it for a while. I've been seeking for a purpose of being here. I know my strengths and talents; I know my weaknesses and backing out certainly wasn't one of them.

"I'll do it."

"Thanks. I knew I could count on you. Now, be in the dressing room by 7:30 tonight and we'll get you all ready." He walked off and headed back into his office. I pushed my hair back, pacing back and forth, slightly. "What have I gotten myself into?"  


Niall's Pov.

A morning breeze blew through my bedroom curtain, causing the drapes to soar in mid air. The sun was out, though barely beaming. Birds chirping on the fire escape. I could hear the passing cars and the genial neighbors shouting their good mornings to one another. I laid in bed, sulking up Liam's every word. He wasn't deserving of the treatment I've been giving him; he just wanted to help, yet a brick wall has formed. Percy jumped on my bed, nuzzling up to my the sheet spread, purring. "Percy, was I wrong?" I bit my nails, lost in my own thoughts. Amends were to be made, starting with Louis and Zayn.

I hopped out of bed, repelling the sheets from my body. The bathroom awaited me; hygienic reasons. I walked into the living room; silence swept over me. It wasn't the kind of silence I was use to coming home to after a long day of work; more so, a silence as in I'm actually alone. Everything seemed complex. Unbalanced. I stood at the kitchen counter, contemplating. I hit the power button on my phone and, after a few seconds of loading, a few text messages popped in. About 10 of them were from Liam, prior to our conflicting altercation yesterday. I opened the one from Louis:

'Ni, I'm concerned about you. I hope you're all right and I would like to apologize. Zayn will be getting out the hospital today.' - Louis

I bit my bottom lip. It's only right if I'm there for Zayn. I wasn't able to see him before. I grabbed my coat and keys, rushing out the door. It's been a while since I've driven my car; however, I was willing to deal with it today. I turned the ignition a few times. It wouldn't budge. "Come on." I turned the car completely off, then leaned back in my seat. Thoughts of Liam crossed my mind, the time he helped me. I started chuckling to myself, remembering how much of a fright he gave me that night. I let out a sigh, counted to five, mentally, then turned the key in the ignition once more. It started. "Yes!" It didn't take long for me to drive off; I didn't want to waste anymore time.  

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