Chapter 14: Home Is Where The Heart Is

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AN: Well, this is the last chapter. Thank you to everyone who has read and allowing me to reach 800+ views and all the votes it has received. Much appreciated. It's not that long of a chapter, but enjoy :)


Liam's Pov.

Niall and I took each other, hand and hand; fingers intertwined. We danced, slowly, in the middle of the park. There was no melody; however, we didn't need one. The stars were shinning bright and there was another full moon. Beautiful night, none of the less. His head rested on my shoulder as we swayed side to side, slightly takings twirls. His hair tickled my neck, but the feeling of holding him closely was mellow-some. He lifted his head up and looked me into my eyes. Looking into his was like watching the ocean's view, though much better. Very serene. "I have something I want to give you, Ni." I said softly.

"Oh yeah?" He had a slight grin on his face.

"Come on." I led him down a path and through some bushes. The twigs smacked us, but not that roughly. Upon reaching our destination, we came to a stop. In the middle of the grass land stood a man with an apron and an ice cream cart. His face wasn't really visible, but his figure was slightly tall. I looked at Niall and his eyes lit up at the sight. I took his hand and we made our way over.

"Well, hello boys. What can I get you?" He skin was kind of tan and a little hairy. He was a much older gentleman, but looked rather decent. His eyes appeared to be hazel, though it could just be the night light's appearance on his face.

"Two brownie sundaes." He started preparing them.

"I've been craving one of these for weeks. Thank you, Li." Niall was the kid walking into a candy store, feasting his eyes upon the treats. It was cute, in my eyes. The man handed us our treats and we made our way to the streets. The street lights were on, there was a slight breeze; several cars drove by. A few stores were still open, while a few were just closing up. I wasn't aware of the time. I took my first bite and Niall chuckled a bit, as he did so. "You know, Li. I'm kind of happy with my decision. Los Angeles Academy would have been great, I'm sure; but exploring my options will be even better."

Niall, actually, nailed his audition. They accepted him into their academy; however, he didn't pursue it. I think he was just looking for some assurance that he was great enough to do anything he pursued. It's been three weeks since and he's been the happiest I've seen him in a while. With all the money we saved up from Late Night Special, we were able to get an apartment, here in L.A. and Niall was able to get a job at a dance studio as an assistant-choreographer. It pays pretty well, seeing as the choreographer works with a few well-known artists. He was there that day Niall did his audition. After Niall declined, he got the offer. As for myself, I decided to enroll at USC, taking three classes a week. I've only been there for a week though; it's going pretty well. I'm majoring in musical composition and education.

After walking for some time, we reached our apartment complex. We dumped the remainder of our ice cream in the trash bin nearby and made our way inside. "Percy, we're home." Niall called.

"Babe, you have got to stop talking to the cat." I laughed.

"Oh, hush. She understands me." Percy was laid on the couch. I helped Niall take off his coat, as well as mine, then hung them up in the closet. Niall walked out to the balcony and watched the night sky. I stood next to him, looking at the outside view. Moving here, at first, was a bit of a roller coaster. We were accustomed to our lives in Chicago and it was very hard adjusting to not seeing Harry, Louis, or Zayn. Even Laila. Zac threw us a farewell party at Late Night Special two days before we left. We're getting use to this new-found life. Harry constantly calls to remind me that he, Louis, and Zayn will be visiting within a week's time. I look forward to the day. I turned towards Niall and our eyes met. He shot me a smile. Our fingers intertwined and I rubbed my fingers, gently, along the engagement ring on his finger.

"I love you."

"I love you too." We shared a kiss, then focused back on the sky. Things don't always end up exactly the way you expect it to, but it'll take you to places you could only imagine and I was ready to explore them all.

Stardom: Niamजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें