Chapter 13: Fall One More Time

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AN: Thank you all for helping me reach over 700 views. This is the second to last chapter; it isn't really that long. Pretty straight to the point, but enjoy :)


Niall's Pov.

"Niall?" I heard a voice; it sounded very distant. My eyes shuttered open, trying to fight the urge to fall back asleep. I felt the texture of fabric cotton under the palm of my hands and the side of my face. I raised my head up to find myself laying on Zayn's chest. "Hey." He smiled at me.

"Hi." I must've been really tired to have fallen asleep on the couch with him, when I had a bed to go to. I sat up straight, carefully getting off of him, so I wouldn't bump into his injured arm. "I didn't sleep on your arm, did I?" I grabbed it, carefully, and analyzed it. It was slightly pink and felt a little swollen.

"No. It's fine. We should wake up Lou and head to the lobby for breakfast."

"You can count me in." I got up and opened the door to the room, quietly. Lou was asleep, phone on the floor, and his hand hanging off. He must've fallen asleep on the phone with Harry. I picked it up to find a black screen. Dead battery, clearly. "Lou, wake up." I shook him by the shoulders. He grunted, then turned over onto his back.

"What time is it?" He asked, wiping his eyes free of the sleep and yawning.

"It's 10 am. My audition is in 2 hours and we were going to head down and get breakfast." He picked up his phone, pressing a few keys only to discover it was dead.

"Shit. I must've fallen asleep." He got up and plugged his phone to the charger, then made his way into the bathroom. I marched back into the living room to find Zayn fixing his quiff with one hand. He knew how to be resourceful, that's for sure.

"Is he up?"

"Yeah. He's in the bathroom."

"All set!" Lou walked out the bathroom; his hair was still in the presence of its' prior state, bed head. I grabbed the room key and we headed out.

We made our way to the lobby; it wasn't that much people around. A few of them were already enjoying their hot cakes and coffee, watching the televisions that were hooked on the wall. Some of them just stood around, chatting. We reached the line and were approached by one of the chefs. "How may I help you boys?"

"I'll take the omelet with eggs, two sausages, and toast." After I took my order, I got out of line and waited on the sideline for Lou and Zayn to finish.

"Are you ready for your performance, Nialler?" Zayn stood next to me with a curious look on his face. Unfortunately, I hadn't thought about the audition at all, since receiving the letter. My mind is usually wandering, or just focused on Liam. I guess that comes with pros and cons; I didn't rehearse a specific dance, though I had a song in mind. I wanted to freestyle. It should come from the heart. Something my grandparents raised me to believe and I thank them, seeing as it has gotten me this far. I looked at Zayn and nodded, though I wasn't really sure.

"Our food is ready." Louis called for us to come and get our meals, then we made our way to a vacant table.


Liam's Pov.

Harry and I sat inside our suite at the embassy. Our flight landed early rhis morning and Harry was told by Louis that they checked in here. I stirred my small coffee around with a straw, staring inside the cup as if it held a secret. All the strength I had coming here was slowing evacuating. Everything is so hot and cold between Niall and I and my heart can only take so much rejection and pain; however, staying in denial doesn't resolve anything either. I don't want to go on with my life, wondering 'what if?'

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