Chapter 6: Hidden Potential

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Quick Note: The song that will be used, later on in the chapter, will be 'Forever' by Chris Brown. Be sure to check it out. I always recommend playing the song, via YouTube, while reading the scene; it'll make it more interesting :) Also, thanks for helping me reach my first 100 views. I dedicate this chapter to BiggestNiallanator69 for being one of the dedicated readers of this story. Thank you.  


Liam's Pov.

I've spent all morning, laid in bed; it just dawned on me that I haven't exactly figured out why I'm here. Coming to America was the start, but where is that push? The strive? My goals? I've managed to get a job, thus far; however, working at a small, venue club isn't exactly a career, or something I intended on pursuing. Going back to Wolverhampton wasn't an option; it's not that I don't love my home there, or my family, but it wasn't for me. At this point, I have no regret. I met Niall, I have a roof over my head - provided by the lovely Harry - and I'm able to support myself, financially. I guess my next goal would be to slowly save up, get a place of my own, then transportation. But is Chicago somewhere I want to stay? It's been great living here, so far, but it's not a place I can see myself five or ten years down the line. I have a few talents, talents that I haven't quite explored, or taken too seriously. Maybe it's time to put some of them to use. After all, talent is the ticket to get the career you'll actually love and enjoy.

Harry came barging in my room, half naked; his curls were all over the place, as if he slept on the wrong side of the bed. "Mate, you look horrid."

"Don't remind me. I was up until 3 am studying for exams and working on a project. I was about to get dress and head to the café. I could use some coffee. Would you like a ride to work?"

"Sure. Give me five minutes and I'll be up."

"Okay." He started heading out, then turned back around. "Oh, and how was your day, yesterday?" He was now sitting on the edge of my bed, anxiously awaiting an answer.

"It was great. We really got to know each other more and date number two is well on its' way. How are things going with you and Louis?" I climbed from under the covers and sat up straight.

"We're moving forward a bit. We started dating about 3 months ago, though I think I'm ready for a commitment."

"Is he?"

"We've talked about it. I believe so. I hope so."

"Aw, Haz, you must love him."

"Hush!" He started to blush, then quickly exited my room, leaving the door open. I got up and headed in the bathroom for my daily hygienic routine.  


Niall's Pov.

I woke up, face smushed in my pillow; It felt as if I had a hangover, though I didn't drink. I heard snoring next to me; it wasn't all that loud, but I could make it out to be Louis', which means he must've decided to spend the night. I went to bed before him, allowing him to let himself out. I could see that didn't happen. I rolled out of bed and crawled, literally, around the floor. I always have a hard time getting out of bed. Percy, who was laying on the floor, near the closet, watched me. She was used to my antics.

"Uh, are you okay?" I heard Louis' voice and turned around to find him sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "You've been hanging around that cat too long."

"Hush up." I got off the floor and headed towards the bathroom. "We have about an hour, Lou!" I yelled at him from inside the bathroom.

"Well, you better hurry. You know how long it takes me to get ready...Percy, when are you going to move out? You're taking up a lot of space."

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