Author's Note

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As a big thank you for helping this story reach 1000+ views, I have an announcement to make. It's good news and kind of unfortunate news. So, I'll let start with the good and elaborate from there, then on to the opposition.

The good news is, there will be a sequel. Some of the things I want to focus on in the sequel:

•Zayn and Louis' lives, now that they're not a performing-trio anymore. I want to explore their characters a bit more and see what they're going to pursue now.

•See where things are headed for Niall and Liam, as far as their goals, dreams, and relationship. Maybe, Niall will actually go for his dream this time, seeing as he already has Liam :). Just an idea

•Harry will still be included as well. Laila and Zac will be reoccurring characters as well. Might add a new character, or two.

•Also, don't forget that Zayn and Niall did share a kiss and that Zayn had feelings for him prior to Liam showing up, so you never know what might happen with that ;-)

•And, it's definitely going to be a little longer than this one.

Now, the unfortunate news: This won't happen until early 2013. Most likely, it'll be my first story of the new year.

Aside from that, thank you all again for the amount of reads, votes, and the comments/feedback. I did have my doubts at first because, as I mentioned in the intro, I pictured it as more of a movie and didn't think I would be able to translate it correctly into writing; but, since you all seemed to enjoy it, that was my fuel for a sequel. Until then :)

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