Background 3|Lonely

244 9 10

July 19, 2055

"You sure you're okay?"

His new-found friend asked him, definitely worried, playing with his dark brown hair.
"I'm fine, really", He always answered like that. No matter how much he felt like dying,
No matter how his girlfriend had beat him up,
He would always smile for the younger boy.

"I can clearly see something has been happening lately. You're not yourself anymore!" He said to the other.
"I didn't change in any ways, what are you talking about?", The other tried to fight his friend, brushing his right hand through his dark brown hair.
He didn't want others to worry about him. Why would anyone care about him anyways?

"No, listen to me!", The younger raised his voice a bit,"You haven't been eating, but you used to love food! You have become more quiet over the past weeks, it's sickening! I want to hear you telling me some dumb jokes, I want you to talk!"

The older just sighed at the other. He was right.
Since a few weeks he had been off. His mind was somewhere else that normally, mainly because his girlfriend had been going out with other guys, beat him up when he dared to bring it up and the worst part was, that she would get away with it.
No one would say it was a girl's fault for cheating.
But when a boy dared to look at another girl they'd instantly be accused of cheating.

"So tell me, are you really fine?" The younger raised a brow and stared at him.
Everything came crushing down on him, but he couldn't just break down in front of the younger.
He couldn't be a burden right now.
"I swear I'm fine!", the dark-haired boy insisted, even if he was actually trying to reassure himself more than the other boy.
"I can see you don't want to talk, but if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here. Okay?", the younger sighed, he didn't want to give up that easily, but he couldn't force the older to tell him the truth either. So he just had to wait until the boy in front of him was ready to talk about his feelings and worries to him.

"I have to go now", he then said, looking at the clock,"Mum wants me home early today."
The older looked up to him, then he nodded.
"I'll go visit Chaeyoung, I haven't seen her since forever."
That wasn't even a full lie, he really hadn't seen the younger since a few weeks, and since they were cousins, he ,of course, wanted to spend some time with her.
"Okay. I'll see you at hell tomorrow!", the younger waved at him before turning around and leaving the older on the grey grass, decorated with even greyer flowers.
It looked so wrong, all the grey. He felt as if he was watching a very old movie from when there was no colour TV yet. But this wasn't just some old series, this was real life.

He stood up slowly, his legs not supporting his body completely yet, since they hurt from sitting on his knees for hours. But maybe they almost gave up on him because if the bruises that decorated his skin there.
They hurt, but he couldn't just break up with Soeun out of nowhere, since everybody looked up on their oh so 'perfect' relationship that everyone wanted.
But he didn't want anyone to have this kind of relationship.
He wouldn't wish this kind of relationship on his biggest enemy.
No one deserved to feel this bad.

«It's not love if your partner cheats on you», his father had told him once. How he wished he would've remembered that speech earlier.
«If your partner hits you, it's definitely not love. That's abuse, and you can get killed because of it. So never do any of these things to your loved one.»
How he wished he could go back in time and change his own path so that he wouldn't have too ever meet his now girlfriend anymore.

He had been in such deep thoughts, he hadn't realized he was already in front of his younger cousin's house.
He went up to the door and knocked on the door. Soon it was opened by the girl he'd wanted to see. Her barely shoulder-length brown hair fell freely into her face and her brown eyes sparkled with surprise and happiness.

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