Chapter 4

78 6 4

July 9, 2059

"Hey, can you please talk to me?", Minjoo whined, trying to get Jeongin's attention, which wasn't that easy regarding that he was talking to Seungmin.

Jeongin rolled his eyes at the girl and decided to ignore her completely. He had better things to do.

"Why won't you answer me?", Minjoo continued, now also glaring holes into Seungmin, who didn't seem to care about her at all. He had never been fond of her and now he knew why.

"Minjoo, would you please leave them in peace?", Yuri spoke in a soft voice, so she wouldn't offend the younger girl, guiding her away from the two boys.

'They owe me ice cream', she thought while listening to Minjoo's rant about how she didn't know why Jeongin was ignoring her, even though it was obvious.

"Why can't he just notice me?", Minjoo whined.
Yuri rolled her eyes in annoyance but decided to stay quiet and listen to everything the other had to say. Maybe she had some deep problems and couldn't cope with another one?

"I'm everything you would want, why can't he just see that I'm perfect for him?", Minjoo continued, on the verge of crying.
'Okay, why would you cry over a boy?', Yuri asked herself, shaking her head at the younger girl's words.
Minjoo continued complaining, until, suddenly there was an announcement by the head master.

"Dear students, I want all of you to go back to your classrooms and stay there. There has been another murder after Kim Hyunjin died, and we don't want that to happen to any other students, too."

'So the killer couple finished the mission', Yuri thought, trying to hide her proud smile. She felt like a mother to all of the Rebellion members, even the older ones, mostly because she was one of the first students to join, and also because it was mostly her who planned the missions, so every time a mission succeeds she feels proud of herself, too.

"We have yet to identify the body, but we hope it's not someone from our school. We'll also try to identify the murderer, so we might go to each class and fish out suspects. Stay safe!"

Yuri wanted to openly laugh about the last part. She knew exactly who was murdered, who the murderer was and she didn't need to stay safe.
'What idiots!', she thought before walking to her classroom.


"I'm scared", murmured Bora while clinging onto Yoobin. The other girl just patted her head to calm her down.

Needless to say, everyone in the room was scared. No one knew what happened or who died, and the scariest thing was still, no one knew who the murderer was.
It could be everyone. From the youngest to the oldest, no one was safe from suspection.

"What do you think, who could've been the murderer?", A student, Noh Yoonho asked and went to the board in the front.
Everyone looked at him with a questioning face.

"Come on, tell me your suspects! They could be from every grade and we could be the ones to solve the murder first!"
That made everyone motivated.
Everyone? No, Bora and Yoobin weren't motivated for that game at all. They wouldn't work against their own team.

"Tell me your suspects and I'll write them down!", Yoonho continued excited.
Instantly there were a lot of hands in the air.
"Go in order of seating!", Yoonho suggested, so there would be no screaming.

"Hongjoong!", Someone suggested and Yoonho instantly wrote it down. It went on and on with wrong accusations until someone said:"Maybe that one guy with the red hair. You know, the one from Grade nine."

Bora tried to keep a straight face, she couldn't show her worry for the younger boy.
Yoobin didn't have problems with controlling her facial expressions, but Bora had these problems and it was really hard for the  spy not to blow her cover.

"If you can't remember his name it's not important. Next!"
Bora let our the breath she didn't know she had been holding.
"That was close...", whispered Yoobin. Bora nodded, still trying to calm down from her inner break down.

That could've gone very wrong.


"Are you ready for your first mission?"

Changbin nodded, but in all honesty, he wasn't. Yes, he had murdered before, but that had actually been an accident. And now his mission was to kill a boy called Junkook. He knew the guy, since they were in the same class, but that was everything. He actually didn't want to kill, but he had to. He couldn't neglect the mission now.

Seungmin sensed the nervousness of the older and smiled at him, softly.
"It's your first mission, if you want I can do the killing. But make sure to check if there's witnesses. They have to die, too."
Changbin just nodded again, too nervous to talk.

He didn't understand how you could be this calm about murdering an innocent person, but then again, it was his first mission and Yuri wouldn't have chosen him if she didn't think he could do it.

"Then let's look for him!"
And they did. They found him in the back of the school, talking to a younger girl, probably a year ten student.
"We can't wait! You hold the girl while I kill Junkook. Then we'll get rid of the girl, too."
And again Changbin just nodded at the younger's words.

They got ready and merely second later they had both, Junkook and the girl, trapped.
"What do you want?", The girl asked, scared. Her eyes were widened and Changbin almost felt bad for her. She was just about to witness a murder before she'll die herself. Tragic life, but they couldn't change her fate anymore.

"Get her", Seungmin said and Changbin went to the girl and put an arm around her, pressing a gun to her head.
"Stay still and don't scream, you don't want to die a gruesome death, do you?", He whispered to the girl. She just shook in fear, but stayed quiet.

"Don't come near me!", Junkook shouted, but no one would hear him anyways.
And two seconds later a bullet hit his head, killing him instantly.
The gunshot had shaken all of them, but it had to be done.
"What are you going to do with me? Why did you kill him?", The girl asked, trying to break from Changbin's grasp, without luck. The girl was crying at that point, both scared and horrified about the situation she was in and the one she just witnessed.

"Tell me, what your name, cutie?", Seungmin asked the girl, staring into her eyes, even if she was a few metres away from him.
"Why should I tell you?" The girl protested, still trying to escape the boys.

"Do you want me to shoot you now?", Changbin asked the younger girl, making her gulp and instantly answer.
"I'm Choi Yena and I-"
Seungmin gave him a signal, he responded with a nod, again, and shot the girl. He let go of her, letting the dead body drop to the ground.

"She was pretty, but she would've told everyone. So she had to die."

They fastly ran somewhere where they wouldn't get caught easily.
They didn't feel like dying like their victims just did.


Hi, I'm back with chapter four!

I honestly didn't want there to be a murder yet, but yeah, here it is lol

[Please forgive me🐿]

And we had some OTP interactions how you doing Seungbin nation?

Anyways, hope you enjoy, and I'm just gonna warn you, there will be more murder/gory scenes as the book goes on, so be warned. I'll also put it on the author's note if I didn't already.

Also, thank you for 450 reads!
This really means a lot to me 🤗💞

See you guys next chapter!

---Hestiafan ❤

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