Background 7|Blind

119 5 5

November 29, 2057

"Where are you, love?"

He hissed when he heard the voice he hated. He couldn't stand her.
She cheated on him, not only him, but on every other boy she ever dated, too.
She has no right to just break other people's hearts.
But she had even less right to call him love.

He'd broken up with her a week ago, but she seemed to not be well with that break up and pretended as if he'd never told her he wanted to break up
She would always pretend like he wanted her kisses, her hugs or her attention, when all he wanted was to be alone for once.

When he was sure she was gone he went to the cafeteria, sitting in the corner, reading a book.

But he couldn't seem to be able to focus on the book. Instead, he was staring at a boy two grades under him.
His once brown hair had been dyed red since January, he didn't want to admit, but the younger looked really good with that hair of his.

The younger boy was laughing at a joke his best friend made, making the other smile too. If the younger was happy, he was too.

When he saw the red-haired looking at him he blushed and looked back down at his book about the outer world. They got teached about it at school, but he felt as if there was more to it than death and darkness.
Maybe they were being lied to and the outer world was a peaceful place to live.

Maybe it was colourful, maybe it had animals there? Animals were creatures the teachers had talked about a bit. Apparently there were lots of different kinds, but all were dangerous.

He could only shake his head at the government trying to tell them that little kittens were dangerous.
He himself had four, a black and white one, a fox coloured one, a completely black one and a light orange coloured one.
He made sure to always keep them safe, not letting anyone except for his mother, who probably loved the cats more than her own husband, into his room. That was where he kept his little babies.

The book he was reading wasn't from there, it was a very old book that his great-great-grandfather had written once. It had been passed down on the oldest child of the family ever since.
His great-great-grandfather described the outer world as a safe place where you could be who you want to be.
No one would tell you what to do and what not to do.

Just thinking about that made him want to find that place outside the government as soon as possible. He was impatient to live freely, to leave the hell he was trapped in.

There were mentions of red and yellow flowers in the book, it even had a separate chapter just for all the different flowers that you could see in the outer world.

A chapter about the animals out there was also something he treasured about the book a lot.

He groaned in annoyance when he heard the loud bell ring, signalling that it was time for the next lesson.
He had maths and to say he was bad at it was an underestimation, he didn't understand anything in that class.

But he still hurried to get to the class in time so he doesn't get detention.
He had detention once, and if he said he was traumatized from it then he meant that.
He was barely thirteen back then and aside from his seatmate there were only seniors. The seniors didn't do what they had to do (what was doing homework apparently, what he and his seatmate took as a chance to not do them at home) and got beat up in front of them.

When he reached the room he quickly sat down on his seat, staying as quiet as possible.
He didn't want his teacher to notice him so that he won't have to answer any questions on the board.
(-Honestly same-)

After something that felt like years he could finally go home.
He waved at his seatmate in a way to say goodbye and went home.
As soon as he entered the house he was greeted with the scent of soup. It was getting boring, every third day they would eat soup since his family was pretty much poor and soup didn't cost much.

"Are you home already?", His mother asked from the kitchen.
"Yes. I'll quickly do my homework and then I'll help you with cooking, okay?", He responded and ran to his room, throwing his bag somewhere before doing his homework.
If he was honest, he didn't really want to help in the kitchen so he decided to take his time on his homework, hoping to escape the cooking.
While doing his homework his mind wandered to a certain younger boy. There were some things about him he'd only noticed a short time ago, and some of them worried him.

He noticed how when he was happy, he would smile widely, almost showing his teeth a bit. But sadly the young boy's face was normally emotionless, not letting anyone know how he felt.
But he noticed that with every insult that was thrown at him his eyes lost more and more light and that with every fist that met his face or stomach more and more tears formed in his eyes, probably making the boy's eyesight limited in that moment.

He also noticed that after a few days of getting beat he had stopped wearing his round glasses that used to decorate his face. The older really missed the detail of his face that made him look even cuter than normally.

"Son, come down! Dinner's finished!", His mother shouted from the kitchen, making the boy snap out if the maze he had been in and made him run to the kitchen to get his food.


Wow, this has exactly 1000 words.

Anyways, who do you think is it this time?

See you next chapter!

--------Hestiafan ❤

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