Chapter 9

60 2 0

August 10, 2059


Building our own place
to live was a really difficult job,
but we managed.
Sometimes we thought about giving up,
But then we remembered how
Important it was for us to test
How far we could go.
Even after we had a small
but stable city,
No, more of a little village,
We struggled.
But we never gave up.
So we want, for whoever finds
this file to never give up,
And to always follow their
Even if it seems impossible,
You can do it!


"Are you crying?", Tzuyu asked Yeji, who was hiding her face in her brother's pullover.
She didn't receive an answer, but decided to not ask any further.

Hyunjin wrapped an arm around Yeji, pulling her a bit closer.
"It's okay to cry, don't hide."
But not even that made her talk or lift her head.

"Guys, there's another file", Tzuyu said surprised, looking at the file that had just appeared on the screen.
And that made Yeji lift her head to look at the laptop screen, gasping in shock.
"But, there was no other files before!"
"Let's just look at it, maybe it's important."


To whoever found this file,
You were chosen to interact
With the outside team.
You only have a few minutes
To facecall this certain number
for the first time
After finding this file.
The number will lead you
To our personal hacker.
Good luck!



"So, we have to facecall that number... Yeji, is there any program on your laptop?," Hyunjin looked at his sister.
"Yes, I'll open it, and I'll call the number, as I am the official hacker of the Rebellion...", Yeji answered, she sounded a lot more energetic than before.

"But we three found the files together, so we'll stay here with you!", Tzuyu smiled as Yeji opened the program and typed in the number.
And it began dialling.
"Oh my god, I'm scared...", Yeji whispered, holding onto Hyunjin and Tzuyu, nervously fiddling with their shirts.

Then, a girl's face appeared on the screen.
She had long, blonde dyed hair and beautiful brownish eyes.
"Sana!", Tzuyu said happily as she recognised the girl. Her smile became bigger.
"I didn't expect anyone to ever find the files, you must be really good hackers", The girl, probably called Sana, said smiling brightly at the three Teen-agers she saw through the screen.

"You see, she said I'm a good hacker-," Hyunjin bragged, but Yeji slapped his shoulder, making him shit up.
"I was the one who taught you after all."
"Don't mind them, they're literal children and siblings, this is normal," Tzuyu explained to Sana, but only got a laugh as an answer.
"No problems, it's a good thing when you see people being themselves. Its really cute!"

"So, in the file it said that we can talk to you about anything, right?," Yeji asked,"because, it wasn't said that we weren't allowed to talk about certain themes."
"Well, I mean, when you want to, you can ask me anything," Sana said, still smiling.
[Okay, but her smile is literally my life right now]

"Can we contact you in some other way?," Hyunjin asked the older girl.
"Well, I don't think so, but if anyone has a mobile, then yes. It's basically the same just without pictures", Sana answered.
"And, are there any ways we can contact other people without having to meet them? Since we don't have mobiles yet, and not everyone has a laptop", Yeji spoke.
"You can make headsets, but it's a lot of work."
"Then tell us how to and we'll do it!"


"Where's Sana?," A girl
With long, black hair asked the
Others present.
"Probably messaging someone," a
Blonde haired girl suggested,
Continuing to eat her rice.

"What do you think, how is Tzuyu doing?", The same girl
From before asked then.
"I don't know, she could be
brainwashed by now.
Who knows?,"
A girl with dark hair spoke up,
Voicing her idea.
"But there's also a chance she isn't
Brainwashed yet!,"
Yet another pretty girl said,
She looked like a living doll.

"But the people there are manipulative,
We know it better than anyone else,
She's probably the only one there
That doesn't believe the government."

"Guys, come here!," Sana shouted from upstairs.
All the girls, of course,
Ran to the girl and
Saw the computer screen.
"Is that Tzuyu?", One of them asked and smiled happily, the others did the same.

"So, looks like they're ignoring us",
A boy spoke from behind the screen,
They hadn't seen him ever before.
"Shut up, they don't know us,
So why would they talk to us first?
They know Tzuyu, so of course they will talk to her rather than
Talking to people they don't know are trustworthy!," a different girl said in a scolding tone.

"Tzuyu, are you sure they are trustworthy?
They look like they're from one of
The government's workers' families",
one blonde girl spoke,
Eyeing the two unknown teenagers.

"No worries," Tzuyu reassured the
Other girls from behind the screen,
"They are literal babies, and also,
I grew up with the girl, so they're trusted."
But the other girl next to Tzuyu
said:"Well, you're right in the point
that we are part of one of the
families that are in the government..."
Gasps could be heard everywhere in the room.

"But," the boy added,"Yeji here was
Abandoned after she was born
And I left the house and never came back a week or so ago"
And they went kind of calm again.

"So, how did you find these files?"
"Do you have any plans?"
These and more questions
Were thrown into the room.
And they tried to answer all of them.


Hi, it's Hestiafan here 🤗

So, this is again a pre-written chapter so yeah, I don't know how many chapters I pre-wrote, since school started and I didn't find too much time to write.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and see you in the next chapter!

---Hestiafan ❤🤗💞

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