Background 9|Fine

82 4 10

!! Trigger warning !!

May 16, 2058

"Why am I like this?"

He kicked a stone that had layed in front of him before he kicked it away from him.
He was disappointed. But not in just anyone, but disappointed in himself.
He didn't know why, but everything he did was wrong to his parents.

They would say things like:"Why can't you be more like your sister?", "Why are you such a disappointment?" and "Why aren't you like your sister?".

Normally he would just try to shrug it off and cry silently while listening to their hurting words, that never seemed to stop.
But that day he had enough.
He couldn't hear all of the things his parents said about him anymore.
He had gone through it for too long and it was time to stop.
So he talked back to his parents for the first time in his life.

It all began with the usual:"Why aren't your grades as good as your sister's? Why aren't you like her?"
That was enough to make him hear all the voices in his head telling him to not listen, the voices told him to make these words stop.
So he did.
He snapped, saying:"Well, I'm not my sister, am I? If you would ask me who I was, would you expect me to answer with 'like my sister'? If yes, forget it, because I am not her, but I am me!"
His voice got louder the angrier he became. He couldn't take it anymore.
All the pressure, it was too much for a young boy like him.

His parents looked at him, surprised to see their son talk back. They didn't know what to say.
They had thought their son was a kid with good intentions of getting a high job and earning money for the family that he would have sooner or later.

"Now you don't know what to say anymore, do you? I knew it!", He almost shouted, his voice almost cracking already. He hadn't used his voice much in the last few years, so he wasn't used to talking that loud.

"Son, go to your room. Please", his father said, trying not to get angry at the way his son talked to him.
And he was already upstairs in his room, secretly listening to music.
Actually you weren't allowed to have a mobile until you're twenty, but he could care less. He had stolen it from his sister and no one ever realised to that day.

He let himself fall onto the soft bed, burying his head into the pillows, trying to let his cries go unheard.
'Am I that bad if a person?' he asked himself, still crying.
'Am I that horrible that even my own family hates me?'
He could already feel his head spinning and hear the voices in his head screaming.

'You don't have to go through this. You can just stop the pain.'
Was what the voices said, some screamed, some whispered.
His head began hurting even worse, and he lifted his head from the pillows, just to let it fall down again defeated.
His vision was blurry and everything was spinning so bad he couldn't even keep balance while lifting his head.

'What can I do to stop all of this?' he asked his voices, demanding an answer. He was hurting at the moment, his condition worsening each second that passed. His body trembled badly, but he wasn't even cold, was he?
Suddenly it felt like all the air got pressed out of his lungs, he tried to breathe, but he couldn't get air inside his lungs.

Tears escaped his eyes, he couldn't even control it.
His trembling became worse, and he still couldn't breathe properly.
It hurt him trying his best to get air inside his lungs, but he couldn't just die right now, could he?
So he didn't stop trying to breath
Finally he got the answer to his question.
'End it.'

But he didn't want to listen to the voices screaming at him.
Maybe they were right, maybe he should give up, but was he ready to?
Would he regret giving up?
Would he maybe hurt someone by leaving?
He now began sobbing uncontrollable, still trembling and dizzy, trying to breathe.

And the worst thing was that he couldn't control anything.
He had lost all the control over his body
All he could do was hope that it would just stop and let him live in peace.
But he knew peace wasn't something he would ever experience.

As the most handsome boy in school (voted by students) eyes were on him all the time, no matter where he was.
People would try to become his s friends because everyone loved him.

Normally they would stay for a while to become popular and then they would leave him, making him all alone again.
He was sick of it.
Not only was he sick of that, but he was sick of everything.
Of his family, do called friends, classmates, just the whole world.
He would end up getting hurt anyways, no matter what he did.

And that was the day he decided to not let these things and words get to him no more.
He became numb, his feelings went flying out of the window that night and he couldn't really care anymore.

Why should he?

No one cared anyways,

Didn't they?


So, I think that trigger warning was needed.
This is like some of the most angsty things I ever wrote-

Anyways, what do you think,who was the main character of this chapter?

If you read the others carefully and guessed all of them correctly, it'll be easy, since there's only one left.
Also, I love dropping hints so there was one in this chapter.

I'll see you next chapter with the first real chapter.

--------Hestiafan ❤

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