Background 5|Precious love

144 5 15

June 2, 2055

"Are you staring at her again, brother?"

He turned his head to his younger sister. She looked at him with her big, brown orbs.
"Do you still love her?", She then proceeded to ask.
He looked down.
"I don't know if I ever did. But I sure feel hurt that she replaced me...", He then answered quietly.

His sister just shook her head. Her brother was unbelievable.
"Then why did you date her?", She asked, demanding an answer.
"I don't know, Minjoo..."
Again, she shook her head.
"That's unbelievable! You shouldn't just date someone without loving them!", She then said, slightly angered.

"But, Minjoo, what do you know about love?", He asked his sister,"You're literally a baby. You're only eleven, so don't try to tell me how love works."
Her response surprised him a lot, if he was honest
"You know, there's that one student, he's in your class and hangs out with Lee Gahyeon's brother, and everyone in my class talks about how handsome he is and how much they love him, and it's disgusting.
You know, how angry they went when he revealed that he was dating Park Soeun?", She stopped her speech to breathe,"And I don't think that's love. And you're basically experiencing the same thing."

He thought about her words. Was he in the same situation as some eleven year-old girls?
If yes, that would be embarrassing.
He didn't really love her, he just wanted someone to love him, and he knew she had a crush on him, so it was the perfect opportunity.
But he had to realise it couldn't continue with him faking his love. He didn't want to lie to her anymore, so he ended their relationship.
He still remembered their breakup like it was yesterday, even if it was almost a month since they broke up.

"Dami?", He called out to the girl. "Yes, love?", She responded, smiling brightly.
"Can I talk to you in private? I don't want people listening, if that's okay", he asked softly, taking her hand in his. She nodded, still smiling and excused herself away from her friends.
"I'll be back later, okay?"

After walking for a while they were at their destination. No one ever went to the back of the school, since everyone thought it was dangerous, when in reality it wasn't.

"Dami, I'm sorry, but...", He began, but she interrupted:"You don't love me anymore."
He looked at her, taking in the information he could filter out if her body language.
Her brown eyes showed sadness, but also looked at him in an understanding way. The rest of her body didn't show her feelings.

"I already noticed it. Don't worry, it's okay", she spoke quietly,"It's easier to fall ou of love than to fall in love. It's not your own choice who your heart beats for and for who not."
He felt the need to hug her, so he pulled her into a hug. She welcomed it, hiding her face in his chest, a hand rubbing his back. His arms found a way to her back, holding her close to him.
He could feel her tears soaking his uniform a bit, but he didn't care. Her breathing became faster, trying to stop her own crying.

"It's fine. You can cry if I hurt you", he said with a soft voice,"It's fine. I'm still here." His calm voice seemed to help her to calm down a bit.
Slowly, they pulled away from each other, looking at each other.
"Can... Can I kiss you one last time?", She asked, still sobbing a bit.
He nodded, letting her peck his lips lightly before pulling away again.

"So, this is it, isn't it?", She asked, tears still falling out of her eyes. But she was smiling through the pain she experienced.
She wasn't blaming him, he was a good guy. Whoever would end up dating him in the future would have a good life.
He nodded lightly, mumbling another "I'm sorry."

"Then... I'll say it, okay?", She whispered, looking at him for confirmation. He nodded, smiling a bit at her nice character.
He felt confused, kind of sad, but then again glad. Seeing Dami so down made him sad, too, and knowing it was his fault for putting her into that situation made it feel even worse to him.

"Then...", She said,"Let's break up..."
He nodded, hugging her a last time. She gladly accepted the hug, welcoming him in her arms.
Even if he just broke her heart, she didn't want him to feel bad. She wanted for him to be happy, and if he needed to break up with her to feel better, she accepted it.
"Don't be sad. You're a good guy. Take care, okay?", She whispered before turning around and leaving him standing there behind the school.
He smiled. Maybe they could still he friends after all of this.
Maybe he would really fall for her one day. But he had to live in the present, not in the future.
And maybe it was just meant to be how it was at that moment.

He had made up his mind. He definitely wanted to stay friends with her.
He didn't know when he wanted to tell her, but he wanted it to be as soon as possible.
All he could think of during school was how to tell her.
When it was time to leave to go home, he asked her to stay behind. She, being the nice human she was, of course agreed, curious about what he had to tell her.

"So, you wanted to talk to me?", She asked.
He nodded.
"I wanted to ask you if we could still be friends after what happened..."
She smiled at him, then she nodded before hugging him again.
He hadn't expected the hug, but he gladly accepted it.
"Of course, idiot. You didn't do anything wrong, so why would I day no?"
They parted from each other, both smiling.
"Then, my friend, I'll see you at school tomorrow!", She said before skipping out of the classroom, making him laugh lightly at her childish behaviour.

When he reached the school gate he could see his sister and her friends, which she kind of called disgusting that morning, almost all of them staring at the handsome boy talking to the Lee boy.
When he ruffled the, probably, younger's hair, the girls began to talk.
"I wish he would do that to me!"
"He's so cute, it's a shame he already has a girlfriend."
and "Why is he friends with the Lee boy?" Being the top themes.

He just shook his head and called for his sister, who looked at him like he was her lifesaver, before running towards him.
"Thank you for saving me, brother!", She said, almost out of breath because she ran to him so fast.
"Let's go home, Minjoo", he said before leaving the school grounds with her.


So, what do you think, whose chapter is this?

Do you have any tips for me on how to improve?

See you next chapter!

--------Hestiafan ❤

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