Chapter 8.1 (!!short chapter!!)

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August 10, 2059

"Why am I here again?," Yoobin asked annoyed.
She was in maths class and didn't understand anything. Who needs maths anyways?

"Did you at least try to understand the subject?", Woojin asked her. He knew she tended to not even try if it looked a little bit complicated. And he was right, as he received a no from the girl.

"Why should I, it's just school anyways...," Yoobin said and stopped paying attention completely. She didn't like the teacher anyways.

"Miss Lee, could you please stop staring into nothing and pay attention to the lesson?", Their teacher spoke in a dark, scary tone. You could hear a few students snicker, but they were silenced as soon as the teacher heard the first one.
"And you, stop making useless comments!"

After that everything went back to normal, the teacher went on with the, pretty boring, lesson and the students listened despite being bored, it had been what they had to do since years, and they knew doing otherwise would get you in trouble.
But it's wasn't like they knew how to do otherwise. They didn't.
Only a few did. And these ones tried to hide it.


"Another meeting? Are you sure? We just had one!", Yuri said, not sure about the other's idea.

"Yeji and Hyunjin said they had something important to announce and Tzuyu seemed excited too, so I guess they were bored and found some old files maybe. You know how much these files helped us in the past," Seungmin answered in a calm tone.

"If they say so. But how are we supposed to tell the others? School is over already and we don't have any ways to contact them!," Yuri explained,"Also, you all still have some missions for tomorrow!"

"We'll manage. The day after tomorrow would be a good day for a meeting. The missions will be finished after school, or a bit later, and everyone can come here after school, right?"

Yuri nodded. "I think so. And maybe the siblings even found out more by that time. Then we would probably have to make it a sleepover here."

"It doesn't matter. The next day is a free anyways. I know when we can hold longer meetings and when we can't."

"Okay, then, see you tomorrow!"


Wow, this is short as hell. Don't kill me please, you're getting another chapter today, I promise!

Also, as you might've seen, I am using Dami's real name Yoobin now instead of her stage name. I hope it wasn't too confusing the last chapters!

I'll see you next week!

---Hestiafan ❤🤗💞

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