Chapter 3

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"Now we can talk alone." says Monica.

"Mom, just before we start the conversation about that ... ehm... man. I want to know where daddy is."

"He went on some sort of trip. He didn't tell me where or when he is returning."

"Oh okay then. Now tell me the truth." replies Kayla.

"During february of 1999 I was at my friend Susan's party when she introduced me to him. We felt a connection and had intercourse that night. After that I have never seen again."

"When did you know he was my father?"

"After I gave birth to you. Boyce knew from the very beginning he was not your biological father but he decided to raise you as his daughter."

"Dad knew?"

"Yes. I told him I had an affair."

"Why didn't you tell me the truth before?"

"Because I didn't want to hurt you."

"I get that..."

Kayla's phone rings.

"Just a second mom."

Kayla answers "Hello?"

"Hey sweety."

"Daddy, how are you?"

"I am fine. How are you? Monica left me a message that something is going on with you and that she is going to Vienna to talk to you."

"I am fine. I fainted. Anyway where are you? Mom told me you went on a trip."

Kayla's mother leaves the room.

"I am in the hospital. I didn't want to spook her but the doctors told me I need chemo immediately."

"Dad why didn't you call me and tell me?"

"Because I was worried that you would tell your mother."

"I won't. We have another problem here. George Anderson showed up."

"Wait what?! How dare he come to you?"

"Don't worry. Everything is alright. Although I don't know where mom went. I will talk to you later."

"Alright sweety. Bye."

When she ends the conversation and puts down the phone Adam enters.

"Hey Kay." says he.


"Sasha called me. He told me that you are George Anderson's daughter. So I came to talk to you."

"What's up?"

"My mother and George's wife Natasha are death enemies and Sasha always cared about mother's things. But anyway he wanted me to bring you his news."

"No way! Let him be the one to tell me. If he wants to tell me something he will come here."

After she says that she faints from the shocks that are Boyce's disease, George's news and Sasha's reaction.

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