Chapter Thirty Six: The Queen Of Thorns

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The late morning after the Bandits had gathered in LittleFingers office once more, this time with Wyllim present. "So glad to see your friend has finally joined us." said LittleFinger eyeing the big man from behind his desk while he packed a few essential things into a box, preparing his move to The Vale.

Wyllim huffed in response clearly unimpressed by the little man.

"Any word from the Lady of Highgarden?" asked Aris tearing the tension in the room.

"I have shared a few words with her." replied LittleFinger, a hint of mischief in his eye. "She has agreed to help, she also wants said 'king' dead."

"Wonderful." Codyn clapped his hands together earning a look off annoyance from LittleFinger. "When do we meet her?"

"She refused to come to a place like this." said LittleFinger holding his hands together in front of his chest. "But she has agreed to met with you all in a disclosed location later this evening."

"Where?" Wyllim demanded an answer.

"You're a man that gets straight to the point. I like it." commented LittleFinger.


"Since we can't sneak you into the castle, she will meet you in a... house, so to say, a street over from the Street of Steel."

"What house?"

"An orphanage."


"She can pose as if she's visiting the children," implied LittleFinger. "When in reality... and it's close to the castle."

"A little dangerous for us." added Jelissa warily.

"Yes. But there are spies all over the city, belonging to Cersei, The Spider, myself and others. We have to plan this carefully if we're to get Sansa out alive and safe. We need to think smarter, not harder. You will arrive by midday, one at a time preferably. Maybe use the boy as a decoy and 'return' him to the orphanage as one of you ladies posing as a worker. The Lady of Highgarden will make an appearance with the queen to be, Margaery-"  

"Why her?!" shot Aris.

"The Lady of Highgarden has implied they are both working together to kill Joffrey, once Margaery has married him of course." explained LittleFinger. "And Margaery has won the peoples favour by performing such actions. It would be the perfect time to conspire."

The bandits all casted each other looks checking if the other had agreed with the plan, they all seemed satisfied.

"So what do you say?" asked LittleFinger looking to Wyllim, feeling as though he was their leader.

Wyllim nodded, "Alright."

Aris moved swiftly through the streets in Kings Landing, weaving in and out of people, passing beggars in the street and roaming children. FleaBottom, the worst possible place to be in Kings Landing, the place where the lowest of low lived. The streets and people were filthy and smelt of feces, she did not blend in at all. She looked like a highborn trying to hide in the filth.

Aris turned a corner and nearly stumbled, ahead two kings guard patrolled. She swiftly turned on her heel facing away from the guards as they sauntered on by. She looked back to make sure they had passed before continuing in the opposite direction. She stepped over puddles coloured like the dirt and marched up hill where the crowds were thickest.

Her heart raced in her chest nervously, what if someone saw her, what if someone recognised her. Who would know her face here, she kept telling herself. Aris came to a part between buildings were the population of children was out of control, hundreds of small children raced the streets with little clothes and no shoes on their feet.

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