Nightmare Bonnie x Reader

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Your eyes shot open as your nightmare woke you with a startle, but not enough to make you sweat and pant like a dog. You sat up and felt the dark, cold room surround you, making you a little uneasy since you just had a nightmare. You were trapped... Trapped in a room, crying, unable to get out. You saw heads... Robot heads... And they all stared at you... They all stared at you with the creepiest look they could give although they were just heads, endoskeletons and exoskeletons. You cried on the floor with your knees tucked in your chest and laying on your side. You didn't want to be in there anymore... The dark room full of heads....

The image gave you shivers and you pulled the blanket closer to your face. Your eyes blinked towards the alarm clock. 3:00 A.M....

'Perfect.. now it's all creepy and dark and this is the hour of all that horror crap you see on YouTube,' you reached for your flashlight and turned it on and headed towards the foot of your bed.

As you slid off, you saw something move inside your closet.

'A rat maybe?'

You approached the closet, and saw something metallic in there... Something that was never there to begin with. Your eyes go big and your soul left your body. Maybe you were hallucinating?

'Y-yeah.. maybe it's just my imagination kicking in... I just need some water,'

You walk towards your door on the left, but as you were pushing it slightly. You heard something. You turned off your flashlight and put your ear against the door....

But from who... Or what? You pushed the door more, and you heard it more. Your expression dropped and you slammed the door, hyperventilating. You scurried back to your bed and pulled the vase that was sitting there. The doorknob wriggled a bit, and your heart dropped. You held the vase close to you and you saw your door open with the loudest, longest creak. You were holding your breath, shaking like crazy, to where the batteries in the flashlight rattled. There was a loud, metallic stomp right into your room, and you saw it was a big foot. And then, long... Metal... Twisted fingers... Four of them peaked out and held your door, and they pushed a giant... Dark purple... Broken.....

The bunny looked sharply at you. The shadows were making his figure appear more terrifying. His light, pale purple glow in his eyes stared intensely at you, to where you couldn't move. He suddenly sprang and ran towards you, have this distorted roar of horror, and yet, there was a hint of a child scream in that roar, but regardless, you screamed and threw the vase right into his eye...

"Ahhh-h-h!! Again-ain?"

Your eyes still didn't break from his, and your shaking didn't stop as well. His giant right hand covered his right eye, while his left one clenched into a fist. His voice... Why did you feel like you recognized it? He still didn't seem to care, he still approached you with a menacing stance, though he was hunched over like a monster.

You swung your flashlight at him, but
he caught it with his unoccupied hand. You pulled on it, his grip was definitely stronger than yours. He flicked his wrist so he threw the flashlight across the bed. He then put that hand against the wall just barely next to your head. You sank further down, now shaking like a chihuahua. He looked at you and his teeth looked more duller in color... Meaning, less white...

"He-heya good looking. Been so-so-some time, h-huh?"

You did recognized the voice, and the figure made sense now! Bonnie! The original Bonnie, except now... More of something you see in nightmares.

"Bonnie.. it has been some time, hasn't it? What are you doing here? How did you get here? Why are-"

Bonnie placed one of his fingers against your lips.

"Ah ah, no q-questions. (Y/N), it's bbbeen too long since we were apart, I do-don't want ttto catch up with-with and bunch of questions-ns,"

Your cheeks went pink when his little smirk was forming, making you cover your face with your large sleeves. That smirk, that stupid smirk, even though horrifying, he'd give you one whenever he got your attention on stage. You'd always cover your face and he'd laugh on stage, but people believed he was having a good time as one of his programmings, but he was enjoying seeing you be flustered, and he still does right now.

"Heh, I remember wh-when you first hid yo-your face like that. All shy...

He pulled your hands from your face.


He inches closer, you practically hear his breathing

"So red and... in love,"

And with those finally words he closed the gap. Though it wasn't the same as the kisses you shared before with him, you still felt that playful passion he had within himself. You closed your eyes and let your hands slide up his body, only to accidentally knock something off. You break the kiss suddenly and looked at what fell. A little circle with a slow blinking red light, slowly fading off. You felt slightly dizzy, feeling yourself sway and hit your head a little roughly against the bed. You closed your eyes for a second, letting your concentration come back to you. Bonnie put one hand on your shoulder.

"(Y/N)? Hey, what's wrong?"

That's funny, he sounded more clear... You opened your eyes to see a regular Bonnie, the cute bunny you fell for. Your eyes widened and he looked worried.

"Bonnie! You're back to normal!"

He looked at his hand on your shoulder and saw his fingers were stubbier and less pointy. He grabbed you by the waist and spun you in the air.

"Aaaaahhhh!! Thank you! You freed me from that nightmare!"

And with that final word, he kissed you again. You instantly kissed him harder and deeper, grabbing his face. His hands were on top of your thighs, as he pushed to be on top of you, but his thumbs were longer than a human hand, so his thumbs rubbed your area as you leaned back from his push. He took hint of that making you hot and he let one of his hands trail up your waist. His touch was so soft.. as usual and the passion he showed even if he's a goofball made you crazy.
Suddenly the alarm blared and your eyes shot open, only to find no Bonnie. His touch felt so real... Why wasn't he still there? Your face was still red, so you got up and went to the bathroom to cool off. You stretched and yawned.

'Some crazy fantasies I get recently, just glad it wasn't a nightmare.. but it's saddening it was a dream.'

And with that moment, you heard a rustle movement on your bed and you looked. A little Bonnie head poking out the blankets. It was a doll, with big pink eyes.

"Heh, guessing you weren't some sexy dream I was having, though it was rudely interrupted," you glared at the alarm clock and walked up to it. You unplugged it...

Nothing will interrupt you two now...

Finally done after how long I just made this from the announcement 😂 but anyways, my work here is done, hope you enjoyed. I'm going to bed to actually sleep like I should have been doing 5 hours ago 😅 I love you all, and wish you a wonderful, pleasant day/night ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

{HIATUS} Love Nights at Freddy's (FNaF Oneshots+Lemons)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon