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"I love Hogsmeade!!"

"We know, Lia, you've said that already."

The group of Slytherins sat in a big booth at the Three Broomsticks, sipping their drinks and talking.

"Snape, is this the first time you've gone to Hogsmeade without that filthy Gryffindor mudblood?" Barty asked with a laugh.

"Yeah," Snape said, "is that bad?"

"Yes, definitely," Maeve nodded, "if the Dark Lord found out you were even associating yourself with something like that you could be killed."

But Maeve wasn't just speaking to him, she was speaking to herself as well. If anyone found out about her and Remus she would be exiled and she was very scared that something seriously bad would happen to her. She didn't want to die, not yet.

"Are you guys excited for our first official meeting with him?" Barty asked in almost a whisper.

"Yeah, kinda nervous though," Cissa said.

"You're always nervous," Reg chuckled.

"Hey don't be a little bitch, Reg - Cissa's in her right to be nervous," Maeve defended her best friend.

"Thank you," Cissa said, shooting a smug look over to her cousin.

"You're welcome, now I'm gonna go get another butterbeer for myself, anyone else fancy another?" Maeve said as she stood up.

"Nah I think we're okay," Dahlia said.

"Yeah, most of us aren't halfway through our first one," Liz laughed.

"Suit yourselves," Maeve laughed slightly, walking to the bar.

"Hey," She sat on the stool and talked to the bartender, "can I get another butterbeer please?"

"Make that two."

She looked as Remus sat next to her, not looking at her yet.

"Hey," She said quietly.

"Meet me outside in ten minutes," He said equally as quiet, not looking at her.

"Okay, may I ask why?" She said lightly.

"You look really hot today and I haven't properly kissed you since last week, so I thought it was high time we changed that," He said with a smirk, glancing at her.

"How romantic," She teased sarcastically.

"I think it is!" Remus said, finally looking at her.

"Two butterbeers," The bartender boredly slid them their drinks.

Maeve reached for her money when Remus put his money down, "I'll pay for you, is that romantic?"

"Yeah sure, or maybe it's just prostitution," She laughed.

"What the fuck, how?" He laughed as well.

"Well you want to make out in ten minutes and you're basically paying me for it," She shrugged.

"I'm paying for your drink," He said.

"A drink that could potentially make me tipsy, therefore might make me easier to take advantage of," She laughed.


"I'm kidding! Seriously I'm kidding, I do actually think it's quite sweet," She said.

"No prostitution?"

"No prostitution. I just have a weird sense of humour."

"Good, so I'll see you in ten?" He asked.

"Yep," She grinned, before walking back to her table.

She sat down to a silent table. She gave them all a questioning look. Silence amongst Slytherins is dangerous.

"Did Remus Lupin just pay for your drink?" Regulas asked.

"Oh, yeah he did," She said cautiously, before quickly adding, "but only because he broke my favourite quill last potions lesson so I told him he owed me. That was it."

"Sure...sounds reasonable," Liz said suspiciously.

"It better not have been anything else though," Reg warned.

"Yeah I know, he's a Gryffindor so don't worry about it," Maeve said.

"And a half-blood, don't forget," Liz said before taking another swig of butterbeer.

"How could I," Maeve chugged her butterbeer, "so Cissa, how's Lucius? He asked you out yet?

"Ah, that," Cissa said, chugging her butterbeer as well.

"Lucius Malfoy? Isn't he a year older than you?" Barty asked.

"Well I don't see how that matters," Cissa said, "but yes he is...our parents want us to marry."

"Marry?!" Maeve almost choked on her drink, "bloody hell Cissa, you're only 15."

"Well you know what pureblood families are like, most of the people in my family get married straight after seventh year," Cissa said.

"Oh yeah you're right, the Black family is particularly eager with arranged marriages," Regulas chose his words carefully, "I mean they're already starting to discuss who my girl will be. I mean, what if I was gay? Like what the fuck would I do then?"

The whole table looked at him for a second, considering what he had just said.

"You're right," Dahlia shrugged, "the pureblood supremacy system is fucked up and close-minded and pretty much the worst thing to be born into...but we're here."

"That we are," Maeve said, taking an even bigger gulp of butterbeer.

"You're a pureblood, right, Severus?" Regulas asked cautiously.

"Oh yeah, definitely I am," He said.

He was lying, of course. But Maeve assumed she was the only person who could tell, and she wouldn't say anything

She saw Remus get up from his table, saying something about getting a new book from the bookstore to his friends. She saw them protest but then noticed they stopped as soon as he threatened bringing them with him to look at books. How did that even work? His friends were obviously very dumb.

As he walked out of the pub their eyes locked momentarily, blue meeting green, a million words being exchanged in that one look. Her heart leaped and she almost forgot how to breathe when she saw the expression on his face. Wow, she really liked this guy.

"Oh shit," Maeve feigned a big realisation.

"What?" Reg asked.

"I forgot I have to get a birthday present for my Mum," She said, "I'll just go quickly."

"Oh, I'll come with you if you want," Cissa offered.

"No it's okay," Maeve said, getting up from the table, "I'll be back in a minute."

"Whatever, see you soon then," Reg dismissed, drinking his butterbeer.

She smiled quickly, and then left.

As soon as she stepped out of the door, she felt someone grab her hand and pull her away. She saw Remus in front of her leading her round the side of the building into an empty alleyway.

"This seems dodgy," She laughed, "an empty alleyway? You gonna kill me?"

"No," He smirked.

He placed a his hands on her waist and gently pushed her back.

"What are you-"

She was interruped as she realised, her back now pressed against the wall.

"I really like that dress on you," He said.

"Oh, this old thing," She joked, fiddling with his shirt collar.

He let out a little laugh, his eyes flickering down to her lips.

And then he kissed her.

And her mind went blank.

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Where stories live. Discover now