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'If Alice could survive the Queen of Hearts, I can survive Lord Voldemort

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

'If Alice could survive the Queen of Hearts, I can survive Lord Voldemort.'


Maeve hid behind a large tree, crouching down, her breathing heavy. She gripped her wand, her palms sweaty, and quickly glanced round the tree. She saw a flash of red ribbon and hid again.

They were in the middle of an Auror training exercise in the depths of a random wood in the countryside. Those with red ribbons round their wands were one side, and those wearing yellow ribbons were the opposition. Maeve had on a yellow ribbon.

She heard the soft crunching of footsteps on the ground, and she knew it was a red, hopefully not one of her friends, because she was about to curse them.

Petfrificus Totalus, Maeve forcefully thought as she stood quickly and pointed her wand at the victim. It was James. He became stiff as a board, and landed on the floor with a thud.

"Sorry, mate," She whispered, taking his wand and most importantly, his red ribbon, before pocketing them.

She quietly walked round him and through the woods. She could count that she had taken down six people on the opposition now, and there were only ten on each team. After two hours, the Auror running the training exercise would send sparks into the air to call everyone out of the woods, and everyone would have to show how many ribbons they collected from the opposition. It was a competition within the group on who could get the most ribbons.

The purpose of this exercise was to practice stealth, and effectively taking down an enemy without causing a commotion, making it a clean and quiet affair.

Maeve stopped as she heard the snap of a twig. She whipped around and made eye contact with Fabian Prewett, his blue eyes widening slightly. His wand had a red ribbon.

"Flipendo," She whispered, causing him to be knocked onto the floor, "Expelliarmus."

She caught his wand with one hand, and put the ribbon in her pocket. Nodding at him, she walked away.

That was seven now.

Looking up, she saw bright blue sparks in the air near the front of the wood, so began to head back with Fabian rushing to walk beside her.

"You're good, Iverson, I'll give you that," He said.

"Thank you," She smirked, before stopping, "Shit, I have to go and get James. I'll be back."


"Can everyone reveal any ribbons you might have got, I hope that everyone could get one, but if not it's okay, we have more time
to practice," Kingsley Shacklebolt said from the front.

Maeve looked round the circle at her mates pulling out only one or two ribbons. She reached in her pocket and started to pull out her own collected red ribbons, counting them aloud quietly.

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن