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The walls in the hospital wing were so white, and it was driving Maeve fucking insane. But at least she had her friends.

Around her sat Remus, Sirius and James. Lily had gone to get a change of clothes and a shower as she had been by Maeve's side the whole weekend, not leaving (despite Madam Pomfrey's protests). Remus had been similar, but he had left to collect work from Professors for Maeve to do over the next week as she had been told that she wouldn't be able to leave the hospital wing until the next weekend.

"Miss Iverson?" Madam Pomfrey, the young nurse who was assisting the matron, came bustling out of her office.

"Yes, Madam Pomfrey?"

"I need to take off your bandages, hopefully the swelling would have gone down now and we can see the real damage," Madam Pomfrey said, pushing past the boys, "Could you give us some privacy, boys?"

"Anything for you, Poppy," Sirius smirked.

"Not right now, mate," Remus said softly, taking him by the arm and pulling him away.

Madam Pomfrey shot him an irritated look before shutting the curtains round Maeve's bed sharply.

"I'll do the bandage on your arm first, okay?"

Maeve nodded, sitting up in her bed painfully.

Pomfrey took her arm gently, and slowly began to unwrap the bandage. The bandages were magical bandages, but the magic in Bellatrix's dagger was extremely dark and powerful, so they weren't as effective as they usually were.

Maeve hissed in pain as the last layer of bandage was peeled off.

"Oh," Madame Pomfrey said in a quiet voice.

Maeve looked down at the arm where her dark mark used to be the most prominent thing. Now, it had a word carved out over the top, finally they were able to see what it actually said: T R A I T O R

"Well that's nice," Maeve said dryly, leaning her had back against the wall.

"I'll do the one your stomach as well," Madame Pomfrey said, her voice very small now.

Maeve just nodded again, pushing the blanket down to her legs and pulling up her shirt.

Delicately, Pomfrey unwrapped this bandage as well. After it was off, she dabbed at both of them with a magical cleaning liquid.

"We need to let them breathe now, this solution will help heal them until they can't be healed anymore. I'm afraid to say, Miss Iverson, that because of the dark magic involved in these injuries there is nothing else we can do after this," Pomfrey bowed her head, not wanting to meet Maeve's calm, green eyes, "All you have to do now is rest, and get your body back to it's normal, good health. Okay?"

"Okay, thank you Madam Pomfrey," Maeve nodded, offering the nurse an understanding smile.

The nurse opened the curtains again and left, whilst Maeve leaned her head back, breathing, trying to accept that these would be on her permanently. She wasn't sure what the word on her stomach said, but she couldn't imagine it was very nice, and she didn't really want to ask Madam Pomfrey as she looked as if she was about to burst into tears at any moment.

"Oh Merlin," Remus said when they walked through and saw her and her new...markings.

"I fucking hate my cousin," Sirius said, sitting down beside Maeve.

"What does the one on my stomach say? I didn't want to ask Madame Pomfrey, she looked like she was about to cry anyway," Maeve said.

"Oh," Remus looked at her stomach, an uncomfortable look on his face.

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