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"God, it feels like ages since we've been here."

"It feels different..."

A few of the members of the Order had been deployed at Hogwarts to look for a horcrux, which most of them thought was pretty futile considering Voldemort would never be stupid enough to hide a precious item somewhere as busy as Hogwarts.

Maeve, Remus, James and Sirius were looking in the west of the castle, whilst other groups were elsewhere. This group really hoped they would find something...anything...but knew it wouldn't be easy.

"So Moony, you have a nice birthday?" James asked.

"Oh," Remus shot Maeve a look, before clearing his throat, "yeah...I did, thanks...and oh hey, thank you guys for chipping in for the ingredients of the Wolfsbane. I was so in shock when Maeve gave it to me."

"You're welcome, mate," Sirius grinned, "I couldn't believe it when she told us, right Maeve? Didn't think you could do it..."

"Yeah, you have no faith in me," she laughed, nudging him.

"It was the best gift, best birthday," Remus put his arm around Maeve, who smiled up at him.

They carried on walking, looking in every classroom, trying in every hidden passageway they knew of, behind every portrait and every fake brick...under every floorboard. And there was nothing.

"Okay, I feel like we've looked everywhere," James sighed in defeat.

"Oh, I have an idea," Sirius said, turning to go the other way.

"What?" Remus asked as they followed him.

"The Room of Requirement!"

"The what?" Maeve raised an eyebrow, jogging to keep up.

"You've never heard of the Room of Requirement? It was like...prime hookup spot for me when I was here," he smirked.

"What? What is it?" James asked.

"It's basically a room and you close your eyes and it will become what you want, whatever you want," Sirius said, winking at Maeve at the last bit.

"Oh gross," she laughed.

"Not gross, awesome," he smirked.

"So...you think your old sex room could have a horcrux in it? Seems unlikely," Remus said.

"Well no not really, it's actually quite a clever hiding place if you think about it," Maeve told him.

"I guess..."

"Hurry up!" Sirius called as he jogged ahead.

After a minute or so they got to a blank wall and they all looked at Sirius expectantly.

"Now what?" Asked James.

"Give me a second."

They watched curiously as Sirius shut his eyes and began pacing in front of the blank wall, his eyebrows furrowed...he seemed to be muttering to himself. Maeve exchanged a wary look with James and Remus.

And then, a strange phenomenon began to occur. A door...a black door, seemingly old and rusty, began to grow onto the previously blank wall. At first, it was tiny, as if only a fairy was meant to go through it, but it only took a few moments for it to grow and grow until it was huge, almost the same size as the entrance doors at the front of the school.

"Bloody hell," Maeve breathed in shock.

"Let's hope this will give us what we're looking for," Sirius said, shooting an anxious look at them all before leading the way through the door.

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Where stories live. Discover now