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It was the final Slytherin party of Maeve's time at Hogwarts, and she sure as hell was gonna make the most of it.

"What are you wearing, Maevey?" Cissa asked as she looked in the mirror to touch up her eyeliner.

"You'll see," She said, doing her mascara, "Can you help me straighten my hair please?"

"You just need to learn the spell, Maevey, I do it for you nearly every day," Cissa whined.

"Only because you are really good at it," Maeve said, making sure her earrings were secure.

"Well, yeah," Cissa muttered.

She stood up behind Maeve, and lifted her wand. As she murmured the spell, they both watched as Maeve's short, blonde hair became sleek and straight.

"Thanks, babe," Maeve said.

"Yeah, yeah," Cissa waved her hand dismissively, walking over to the closet, "Should I go for my gold dress or the purple one with the slutty neckline?"

"Purple one, I'm wearing gold," Maeve said.

"Fair enough," Cissa shrugged before beginning to get changed into her dress.

Maeve stood up, looking at herself in the mirror, before giving her reflection a satisfied nod. She then went to the closet and pulled out her own dress, a simple gold mini dress. It was basic, yes, but when it was on her body it just worked somehow.

She slipped it on, and sighed contently as she saw in the mirror how it hugged her curves and showed off her tanned legs. Remus was going to lose his shit when he saw her.

"That's so cute!" Cissa squealed when she saw Maeve, "You ready to go? Everyone else is downstairs already."

"Yeah, one second," She quickly rubbed perfume on her neck, "Okay, let's go."

"Kinda sad isn't it, our last big Slytherin October party," Cissa said as they began to walk down the stairs to the common room.

"Let's just sneak back in next year, no one will notice," Maeve joked.

"We're short enough," Cissa giggled, nudging her.

Remus did a double-take when Maeve walked in, almost choking on his drink. His friends with him, James, Sirius and Lily, followed his gaze and began to tease him mercilessly, much to his misfortune.

She caught his eye as she walked over to her friends, giving him a cheeky look up and down, before turning away again.

"Your girl cleans up well, don't she," Remarked Lily, before she grinned and pinched his cheek, "You're such a smitten kitten, it's adorable."

"Bugger off," He swatted her hand away, laughing.

"She does clean up well, though," Sirius commented, raising his eyebrows suggestively as he sipped from his cup.

"Hey, no, fuck off, you're not allowed to voice your opinion on my girlfriend," Remus shoved him playfully.

"Sorry man, but I don't think I'm the only one," Sirius gestured to a few guys who kept glancing over at Maeve.

Remus clenched his jaw, turning away. Lily laughed at him, loving this new side to him that she had rarely seen before. Protective boyfriend Remus was funny.

"I hate not even being able to show everyone that she's...you know...mine," Remus complained quietly to Lily, "It means all these guys think they can just drool over her."

"Chill out, you probably only have a year until you two can be more open about everything, you'll be okay," Lily patted him on the arm.

"A year is a long time, Lil," Remus said.

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Where stories live. Discover now