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"Is Sirius gone yet?" Remus asked as Maeve entered the bedroom that evening.

"Nope, still talking to Regulus," she said, shutting the door before beginning to pull down her jeans.

"He should just keep the portrait in his own apartment," Remus said, turning the page in his book.

"Nah, apparently he doesn't want his brother there while he's having sex," Maeve snorted.

"Okay well that's fair enough."

Remus' eyes flicked up to her as she pulled off her top and bra then grabbed her pyjama shirt and slipped it on. He averted his eyes shyly as she slid into bed with him. She kissed his cheek and snuggled under the covers beside him.

"How's your hand feeling?" He asked her.

"It doesn't hurt anymore," she said, feeling her magical bandage-wrapped hand under the covers.


A few minutes passed. Maeve lay beside her fiancé silently contemplating something, whilst he sat completely unaware, reading his book. After a while they heard the front door close to signify that Sirius had left the flat.

"I don't know who to make my best man," Remus said, looking up at the ceiling thoughtfully. "James or Sirius?"

"Why not both?"

He looked at her, "smart."

They stayed quiet for a few more moments. Then Maeve made a decision.

"I wanted to talk to you about something," she said softly.

"Oh yeah?" He put his book down and looked at her.

She sat up and leant against the headboard, "well...you know how I've...um...okay so it's like this - I've always been into art, right? Drawing, tattoos, and now painting?"

"Yeah...?" He nodded slowly, giving her a curious look, "what's this about?"

"I want to start my own business."

His face remained curious, "A business?"

"Yes...a kind of art business...I don't know, I haven't figured it all out...but I want to have a tattoo parlour, and also be commissioned for paintings, magical portraits...that kind of thing," she said, shaking her head. "Only after the war's ended, of course."

He looked at her for a moment more before cracking a smile, "That sounds amazing,"

"It does?" She looked up at him in relief.

"Yes! You're so talented, you should be pursuing art," he said, brushing some hair from her face fondly. "It's a great idea."

"Thank you," she pressed a kiss to his lips, "I love you."

"I love you too," he smiled at her. "Now we should probably sleep, early getup tomorrow."

"For that...emergency meeting was it?"

"Yep," Remus turned to flicked off the lamp, "goodnight, love."


≿ ———————— ❈ ———————— ≾

"Good morning, sunshine."

"Mor-," she yawned, "morning."

He got out of bed and bent down to kiss her head as she sat in a stretch on the floor.

"Tea?" He asked.

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